All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 in total
Tenacious ADHD
In our Season 3 finale, Matt and AK reflect on the highlights of 2024 and all the growth and gaming goodness the year brought us. From top-notch guests like @The ADHDM...

Good Grief
Grief is a tricky beast—messy, unpredictable, and somehow still managing to make us laugh at the worst possible moments. And does your ADHD type shape how you grieve? ...

Screen Fiend
It’s time for an intervention, folks! In this episode, Matt stages a surprise wisdom check for AK, calling her out on her, ahem, dedication to her phone and social med...

The Why-ing Game
Why, why, WHY?! We're not toddlers, we're just people with ADHD! Ever find yourself wondering why about...everything? Us too! In this episode, Matt and AK go on a ques...

ADHD Ever After with Seth McKay
What happens when your ADHD diagnosis starts with a podcast and not a therapist? In this very special episode, Matt and AK sit down with Seth McKay, BFF of The Pocket ...

The Art of Futzing
"Hello, my name is Matt, and I am a Futz-aholic." It's a danger for many, but especially for those with ADHD: the practice of "working" on building systems to increase...

ADHD Is So Hot Right Now with Skyler the ADHDM
From deep within the comments section of a Ginny Di reaction video ( a highly likely friendship was forged. Games se...

The Stunned Condition
Your favorite ADHD/TTRPG nerds can find correlations between any number of subjects, and this time the topics include Baldur's Gate 3, the Stunned Condition of 5e, and...

Notion Sickness
In the first official episode of ADHd20 of 2024, your intrepid hosts Alison and Matt share their struggles with feeling overwhelmed and not yet acclimated to the new y...

Help Us, Brittany Smith. You're Our Only Hope!
We are BACK, adventurers! 🎉 Season Three, Electric Boogaleigh!We, your trusted guides Matt and Alison, speak with esteemed guest Brittany Smith, an ADHD coach and cogn...

Rockin' Around the ADHD
It’s the final episode of ADHd20 Season 2, folks! Join Alison and Matt as they wrap up this season with a "clip episode" packed with retrospection and much giggling, n...

Over-Explaining—The Gift of Gab
So that we don't over-explain a video about over-explaining, here's a gen-text summary, soon to be part of Matt's patented "Un-ADHD-ify" app! "In this ADHD20 episode, ...

This is a Catastrophe
"It's not that bad!". "You're overreacting." "Calm the f&%k down!"With ADHD, you've probably heard people say this to you your entire life. When your every reaction is...

Procrastinate Like You Mean It!
We know that everyone, ADHD or no, procrastinates on the things that you don't want to do. But those with "squirrel brains" can even procrastinate on things that we RE...

Resisting A Rest
Things we learned while recording this episode: The characteristics we embody while awake are also present in our sleep. Inattentive awake? Inattentive asleep. Hello, ...

Actual Play with Dungeon Master Seth McKay
The most often-asked questions we've gotten since starting this podcast: "But what is D&D?! And how do you even play?!"If our D&D-inspired tangents have left you feeli...

The Declaration of Codependence, with Evan Bivins
Join us for a LONG overdue chat with our favorite designer, beatmaker and wannabe lycanthrope, Evan Bivins! We attempt an unqualified armchair diagnosis—at Evan's requ...

Mask Me Anything
Matt and Alison, fresh out of a session of their favorite new TTRPG, Masks: A New Generation, find all the delicious correlations between having ADHD and being a teena...

Murder, He Rolled
Five minutes before they started recording this episode, Alison tossed the outline out of the window. Instead of the original topic they had chosen, she informed Matt ...

Free to Be You and Me
Best practices for making neurodivergent brains feel welcome at your gaming table!A question, from our Discord Server: How about going in-depth on things that have mad...

Trick Plays and Cabarets
Alison and Matt challenge each other to talk about anything else besides ADHD and TTRPGs.The ADH-Duo wonder aloud whether they have any other passions beyond neurodive...

Put Us In, [Dungeon] Coach! w/ Alan Bjorkgren
Our Homebrew Hero and Fave Game Designer, YouTube's The Dungeon Coach, joins Matt, Alison, and Fitz! to talk how to be creative and productive in a wild magic world.We...

An ADHd20 Primer
We are entering our podcast to be considered for The ENNIES this year, and here's our tight 15!

Olive How You've Leveled Up
Alison's only hangups involve vegetables, apparently, and Matt embraces the Chaos, in this episode about Leveling Up with ADHD. Do we gain real-life levels through XP,...

A Whey We Go to GaryCon, with Lorekeeper Anna Fitzgerald
In this very feral episode of ADHd20, we spin tales of our experiences at GaryCon 2023, our first official TTRPG convention together!Alison, Matt, and Official Lorekee...

Paying the (ADHD) Tax, Man
AK and Matt have two questions for you, today: is the ADHD tax real? and are we in a cult?The answers are yes, for sure, and…probably not? Unless you really were a par...

Dale Critchley Spills the Tea on Inclusive D&D
"Exclusion doesn't make it better," says our new friend and RPG inclusion hero Dale Critchley of Wyrmworks Publishing. In this episode, we learn what Dale and his coho...

Dungeons and Dopamining
What the *&@%#! is Dopamining? Hopefully you're doing it right now by downloading this 'cast, and awwww, that's so sweet! Also: does your PC have ADHD? And/or co-morbi...

Sarah Mobley, Awe and Wonder Woman
One of Matt's dearest and oldest friends and brilliant learning and behavior specialist, Sarah Mobley, joins us on the podcast with the results of a brain assessment t...

Sounding the Nerd Horn
Welcome back to the only podcast that tries to find the intersection between ADHD and RPGs! It's Season Two, Electric Boogaloo, and Matt and Alison are full of Words a...