A Home-Brewed World

Our little podcast is growing up! For the season finale/flashback episode of Season One, Matt and AK talk about how much they love making this podcast, and how much they've grown this year in doing so!

Matt: Party, party, party, party,
party, party, party, party.

Alison: We like, we like to party,
we like, we like to party, We

Matt: like, we like

Why do we like to party?

Alison, why are we partying?

Alison: Because today, today,
Matthew, this very episode is

our 18th, our 18th episode.

We did it.

Our little baby is 18.

Matt: This podcast is the biggest surprise
of the last, three to five years for me.

Of a joyful Yeah.

We, we first recorded the first episode
3/9/22, and we were like, I think most

of the episode is, Oh man, I have no
idea whether this makes any sense.

Alison: This is gonna work.

Matt: I don't think it's gonna work
because look, look, if you are online

now in 2022, if you do things, if
you want to stand out, then you

need to find your niche, right?

But come on, man.

There's like , there's some
limits to some niches, right?

Like there's some

Alison: There is not.

That is a limiting belief
right there, Matthew Bivins.

And and exactly like we have proven
that there is a cross section of people

who wants to listen to us and join in
the conversations about ADHD and D&D.

Matt: Two great tastes
that taste great together.

Um, it's true.

They do.

And this has been so much fun.

It's been such a delight.

We were very smart about it.

We, we recorded three first again to kind
of see, hey, is this going to do anything?

Are we gonna have enough to talk about?

But I love that.

Just so many things.

So many things that have been that.

I like the celebration.

The reason that we're celebrating too
is that you had this brilliant idea of,

of giving this podcast some seasons.

And the seasons

Alison: Some seasoning, like
some salt, some onion powder,

some garlic, some pepper.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

All of those Trader Joe's spice
combos that are just so good.

But yeah, we, you know, you had this
idea of like, Hey, look It's so hip

right now to have seasons of things and
what if we did 18, called it a season?

The podcast is now able to vote and
as you've put it legal in most states.

We were gonna talk about a few of
our favorite things of this year.

Um, what were a few of your
favorite things, Alison?

Alison: One of the very first
thing that, uh, stands out is

our great friend, Alejandro Tey

Matt: Alejandro Tey!

Alison: Alejandro Tey!Dungeon
Master to the Stars, um, and

one of my very favorite people.

And, uh, so he was our inaugural guest,
and that, that was, for me, that was when

like the podcast was not just Matt and
Alison talking into the void, but like,

Hey, there's other people that this is,
this is interesting to and, and could

help make this even more interesting
by the stories that they add to it.

I loved, I loved having Tey on and
I loved, We recorded for like hours.

I had to cut us off to go to a meeting
finally, and I didn't want to, I

would've gone longer if I could have.

Matt: Yeah, I know, I loved that.


Alison: What about, what about you?

Matt: I want, I want more of that in
2023, but, um, I really enjoyed our talk

about turning ADHD traits into spells.

I thought that was really fun.

That was a fun episode that we,
and that's something that we're

just kind of getting started on.

So I'm excited to work on that,
uh, in the next couple of months.

Alison: Yep.


Um, let's see what else.

You broke my brain.

The episode where Matt
and Alison are sorry.

And we talked about when and how and
why being friends with somebody with

ADHD can be frustrating and some
some buffs we hope to help with that.

And so, um, the, the concept you
introduced of the fiver, I loved that.

And I now have friends who will do kind
of what you said Nate does with you, which

will text me and say, Fiver question mark.

Matt: I really, Huh.

That's amazing.

That's amazing.

Uh, but it is, it really works.

You just have to get to the point where
you can do fivers and you're like, Hey,

just, you know, let's just, But yeah.


Alison: And that was, I think,
like removing the friction.

Like for me,

Matt: Yeah.

Alison: Being a good friend and
remembering to catch up with people

sometimes just is so mentally
exhausting to even think about.

So what the fiver did, is it removed
that entirely where there doesn't

have to be any friction because we
know we're just gonna get on for this

finite period of time, have a quick
catch up, and then do it again soon.

Rather than procrastinate for weeks
of the, we should catch up game that

turns into the two hour marathon chats.

So, I

Matt: Exactly.

That's what it's for.

The things that I've learned, the fiver
is funny because like these systems that,

that I've put together in my life to
survive, to get through a day, get through

a, year, and these things that I take for
granted is just being, oh, well, geez.

Those are just my things.

Those are the things that
I, that are unique to me.

No one else in the world experiences these
same things and the level that I have

realized that they are traits and that
just the, the amount of, of excitement

and energy and the ability to share that
and to say, Hey, like, this is happening.

And look, it's actually, these are traits.

These are like scientifically proven.

These are things that are
happening in my brain.

So I just, I've learned so much.

I've learned so much simply talking to
you, simply talking to you about this

stuff, you know, and, and my coach.

But really what would happen
almost every week is you and I

would discover something, right?

In the, in the confines of ADHD
and Dungeons & Dragons, somewhere

along the lines, we would say, Huh,
I wonder if that's a, And I go to

coach who's a, the neuroscientist.

And I would.

Does this?

Is this.


And she said, Yeah, that's,
that's another thing.

I love it.

It's just I've packed in more
learning about this disability,

this thing that is my brain in, in
this year than I have my 50 years.

I know!

It's amazing.

It's amazing.


Alison: is

Matt: and yeah, and, and, and along the
same lines, we've said all this before,

um, but you know, it's a birthday episode.

It's kind of like, I guess a birthday
episode is you know, like the TV

show flashback episode that No,
everyone's like You already said that.

You already Oh, they already did that.

Oh, it's a flashback.

Anyway, I'm gonna do it anyway.

What I love , what I love is, That
then we've been able to start this

little community, these people that
are watching now and and that are at,

at Patreon and that are writing and,
and saying, Oh yeah, my kid, like

our friend, you know, our friend Meg
is like my kid's going through this.

And I can say, um, well, gosh, guess what?

We just learned?

This is totally valid.

Try this instead.

Like, because man, if I had gotten
that when I was little, and of

course, that makes Meg a superstar.

Alison: The validation of it all is, and
I am, I am someone who does seek and crave

constant validation as you and anybody
watching this are all well aware is that

I just need, I, you know, I think, uh,
words of affirmation is certainly one of

my love languages, and so I just need that
little, like, you're doing it, you're on

the right path, Like keep going and, and

Matt: You're doing it, Alison

Alison: You're doing it, Matt!!

Matt: You're on the right path.

No, you're doing it.

On the right path.

Alison: Well, the path
is more fun with friends.

Like we can pack a little picnic and
make it a little party like we've done.

Like why did we, why did we bear this
burden alone for as long as we did?

I don't know.

Matt: It's true.

It's true.

Mm burdens.

Alison: No , burdens.

Matt: No burdens.

Um, yeah, so that's why
we're celebrating, 18.

Uh, does it feel to you like it
might be time to roll a d100?

Alison: Always be rolling.

Rolling why?

Ooh, ooh.

Don't go off that table.

This, this roll is everything I could
have hoped for here on our 18th birthday.

Matt: You didn't roll an 18, did you?

Alison: I rolled a 69.


Matt: And knowing you in Fitz, you
probably put something to that...

That's all it is.

It just says nice ellipses.

It just

Alison: forgot that we did that.

Oh, man.

Matt: It just says, "Nice..."

Alison: That's it.


Matt: So

Alison: I guess up or down.

Matt: All right then I guess nice
means up or down, Top or bottom.

Alison: Down.

Matt: Okay.

Giggle giggle.

Uh, alright.

Downtown, uh, Alison, spoiler
alert, what's the next

character build you're planning?

Alison: Oh my gosh.

I, I don't, I don't
have an answer for that.

Like, What is this?

I have fulfilled so many,
you know, I, I get, Okay.


I haven't played like a true barbarian
or fighter or something like that.

So I think, I think next I need to
push myself out of my comfort zone,

and do something in that realm.

we're gonna get away from magic user
for a minute and we're gonna get into

something, um, more, more fighter build.

So stay tuned and whoever wants to
play that game with me, you just let

me know and we'll make it happen.

Matt: I think a lot of our plans for
2023 are playing more and figuring out

ways to do that, because we've been
kind of like visualizing it on this

podcast and dreaming about it here.



Guess what I rolled?

Alison: What did you roll?

Matt: A 16.

Alison: You rolled a sweet 16 You're
gonna hate this, and that means I love it.

Matt: Oh, good.

Alison: Sing your favorite
jingle or whatever the first

one that comes to mind is,

Matt: Favorite jingle.

You know, that's the kind of thing
where when you're not trying to think

of them, you think of them all the time.

Alison: Mm-hmm.

Matt: Do you remember just for
the taste of it, Diet Coke.

Alison: Just for

the taste of it.

Diet Coke.


I remember a lot of the Coke Jingles.


Matt: that one came,
that one came to mind.

Um, I don't know if
that's my favorite, but

I, I at least pulled it out

Alison: That's why we qualified, or just
the first one that comes to mind, like

don't, don't give yourself psychic damage.

As we discovered last time, what that is.

Matt: May I add to our list of
things that I've loved about

this podcast for 18 episodes?

This freaking ADHD100 table, man.

The more that we dive into it, the more
I realize how long y'all spent on this.

Oh my God, it's not, it's
not thrown together, y'all.

It's not thrown together.

It is a gorgeous 100
questions that are not alike.

There's no fluff.

There's no filler.

Some of them are very Dungeons and
Dragons based some of them are.

Some of them are just like nice

Alison: We were pulling the questions
out of, you know, where, but the

whole process was not thrown together.

It was done with purpose and intent.

Aligned actions.

Boo yah.

So when we look back on, you know, 2022,
our, our little retrospective where

this has been a major event of the year,
I think about all of the changes that

have come into my life not necessarily
because of but in some ways Yes.

Doing this podcast.


Um, and so on one of our earliest
podcasts, I came in brimming

with excitement because I
had just DMed my first game.

Um, and so now we're coming into
kind of a full circle moment where

I have taken that one step further
and now I am world building.

And so I thought since this is something
that Matt has spent a lot of time doing

in the past couple of years as well,
and I, I think it's something you enjoy,

it's certainly something you're good at.


Matt: One of my favorite things.

Alison: Um, I thought we could talk
through world building with ADHD, like,

and we've talked about, we've talked
about ADHD, like the positive sides of

ADHD frequently throughout this journey
together of the last 18 episodes.

It's not all bad.

And I think, that world building
is actually one of the ways that

actually lends itself really easily,
because we don't have that filter.

We don't sometimes get in the way
of our own imaginations where like,

no le let me pull at that thread.

And I think that's fun.

And then this is where hyper fixation
serves us so well, I spent the entire

Saturday sitting in front of my computer.

And I, I wish I had more to show for it.

I do!

Matt: Well, yeah,


Alison: but time well spent, I'm not,
I'm not poo pooing my efforts, I'm just

saying I spent all day doing something
and if you were only judging me by

the output, the output was like three
maps and a few paragraphs and some

names of some places and some thoughts.

But the real output was the
enjoyment I got from just that

day of being deep inside a fantasy
world that I myself got to create.

And I think if I was not
neurodivergent in some way, I wouldn't

have gotten to experience that.

Matt: No, that makes sense.

I mean, that thing that you're talking
about, the fearlessness of pulling

threads, um, the working all day and kind
of going, Wait a minute, what did I do?

But I bet though, I bet on that
Saturday, you did find the core.

And we talked about this, but the,
for me it was trial and error.

Trial and error until it clicks.

And that's what hyper fixation really is.

It's like, uh, I don't know.

You know, it's kind of, it's
like you are being dragged along

sometimes by things that you have
to do that you wanna work on.

Sometimes you wanna work
on 'em, sometimes not.

We have the power eventually, if
we're dragged around long enough,

and if we can be patient enough in
a day or a week or a, something to

jump onto the motorcycle, and then we
are in control, which is super cool.

And Yeah, for sure, I've had many of those
days too, where you're like, just g going.

Just going.


Alison: Mm-hmm.

, it's, it's making sense that it's
feeling good and it's leading to

immense amounts of joy, and I loved it.

Matt: Well, I'll start off by saying
I think that, we, I would have,

this is absolutely unscientific,
We'd have to have a poll.

But I bet you, that game masters that have
ADHD, not all of them of course, but would

tend to want to build their own world.

It doesn't mean that I
can't appreciate Barovia,

but I use those to learn and then I
just always want to change things.

Like, it's always, I always want to make
it my own, make it more me, make it, fit

it to the people that I'm playing with.

Like, that just is like,
I'm, I'm a tinkerer.

I can't help.

Alison: What?

Matt: I I mean, I, I know that
you say you're not as much of a

tinkerer, but I don't, I don't know.

I, I feel like this is one of those
cases because it, there's no damage

that could possibly be done if you
build your own world it's free.

It's just a pure artistic expression
of things that you love and people

you love and concepts that you love
or frighten you or, um, and, and

kind of putting 'em into a soup,

Alison: Mm-hmm.

Matt: and then being
able to share that soup.

But of course, we could be talking
about authors or playwrights.

We could be talking about
people who write movies as well.

But specifically in this game,
your players then help you write.

And that's also so fun.

Like, that's also so great.

So I was gonna start off just
by saying number one world

building, could be an ADHD trait.

Alison: Mm.

Matt: Yes or no?


Alison: I wonder if it's because we have
this tendency to not feel like we fit in.

And maybe that's not ADHD.

Maybe that's just zooming out
neurodivergence, right there is

this, we've talked about masking
before and things like that.

And so when you world build, you're
not asking anything to fit in.

You're not trying to to jam
anything into one particular spot.

You're just

Matt: Right?

Alison: Screw it.

Let's start from scratch, , and
let's, let's, let's build something

that compliments what we want to
accomplish instead of trying to take

ourselves and, and place them within.

Um, So it actually makes a lot
of sense that we would be drawn

to the desire to world build.

Matt: Is it the right thing to do?

I don't know.

Like, uh, there, well, there's no
rules of course, but like, do we need

to study the classics before we do?

Alison: It means more
that it's personal, right?

And I don't think that that's ego talking,
but so the name of the town where we're

kicking off this adventure is Lavs Keep.

And that is named after my very
first character, Lavinia, who died.

So I already feel like a really emotional
connection to this place, rather than

just pulling something off of a shelf.

I can see it, I can envision it.

And then I'm trying to help each of
my characters find their stake and

footing in the world too, so that
way they also have ownership and a

legacy within and all of those things.

And then there is, and maybe
this is the ego part of it.

So taking back the curtain for a
second and letting people see behind

it, DMing is a whole lot of work.

I cannot express in words
how much work it is.

It is so much work.

I know that before I DM'd, y'all all
told me and I, I was aware on some

level that these guys are working their
butts off to give us something to do.

You know, 2020 was very easy for
us to play Dungeons and Dragons

cuz we didn't have a lot going on.

Matt: Right.

Alison: But then when the world started to
reopen, you know, and scheduling conflicts

started to come up, it, it became harder.

And I kept saying like,
How can I ease that burden?

And I mean, if anybody listening
has figured out how to ease the

burden of DMing, let us know.

Cuz we haven't figured it out yet.

But that was one of the reasons
I wanted to start DMing.

And so that way it's not always on
like, Hey Matt, it is your job to

spend hours a week figuring out ways to
entertain me for a few hours as well.

Um, so if I'm gonna spend all that time,
why am I gonna spend all that time on

somebody else's intellectual property?

Why wouldn't I spend the time?

And so I've kind of borrowed from
what you've just said of taking

existing modules and modifying,
it doesn't all have to be scratch

made, so I, I do have a module that
I'll be running, um, the characters

through that I finally picked out.

But it aligns with the
vision I already had.

It's just gonna help me take a couple
of shortcuts so I can spend the

time where I wanna spend the time.

With helping my characters build
and you know, things like that.

Matt: Two things.

Number one, Yes.

I'd like to reiterate to people that,
being a game master takes a lot of work.

So you really have to like it.

You really do.

I don't think there's any reason,
any reason somebody should just,

just be a game master because they're
forced to because I, it's really

a lot of work and I think that
you have to like it and I love it.

And then the second thing
though, I was going to say,

about the intellectual property.

Everybody knows I worship at the
altar of Mike Shea and I, and I feel

like there is that balance, right?

I feel like there is that balance of
when you pick up a Mike Shea adventure,

he doesn't have a ton of 'em, just
a few, but they're so well written,

they're really rock solid and the
first thing he says is, take this and

go, man, take this into your world.

It will fit into this
and this and this world.

And, he plays a combination of
all the things, his own stuff

and, and, and written stuff.

I think you, you also have to
find the joy in that as well.

But yes, uh, I think
finding that balance is key.

But I agree with you too.

Like if you are gonna really
do a lot of work, why not do

something that is your own?

Alison: And then that's, that's kind
of leading into some of the things

that we spoke about in episode 17 where
we were talking about our core values

and how do we want to be spending
our time and what do we desire?

And it's like if you and I want to get
more and more into the D&D community, why

wouldn't we be, you know, taking the time?

Matt: The time is now.


Alison: The time is now.

Matt: Cool.

Alison: Any advice, for me or for others
who are thinking about, going down the

world building and DMing path, especially
taking into, consideration ADHD?

Matt: I think that probably the
advice to that is going to be the

same that you get from any kind
of writing, creative exercise.

Which is write about what you know,
write about the people that you

know, don't be afraid of mapping
because you know, like we've said,

tropes, people want the tropes.

Man, give them the tropes.

Just go for it.

Do it.

And I think, it's even more fun to,
to write for specific people, right?

To write for a group that, you
know, Someday I do wanna test

it and see what the world is
like with strangers or something.

But I, I think the more personal it is
to you, the better it's going to be.

Like putting yourself into
it on all, cases and forms.

So, Uh, we've talked about
so many positive things.

I was gonna segue a little bit into
like the organization, like the, the

actual organization of it though.

You know, when we talk about all the
work that we're doing, it is, I don't

know, for me it has to be notes.

It has to be things written down.

It has to be like bullet
points and stuff for me.

Uh, I'm sure there's tons of
ways of doing it, but that is a

challenge for people with ADHD.

Big for me.

I know.

And, and that is one
thing that is frustrating.

It's not specific to world building,
but it is like, I wrote about this,

I already wrote about this person.

I already, Where is it?

It's like, uh, which, which note?

Which is it?

Notion, Is it obsidian?

Is it Craft?

Where is it?

Where did I write that?

Is it, you know, it's everywhere.

It's everywhere.

And that drives me nuts that

Alison: And This is

Matt: gotten a little bit better.

Alison: We've spent a lot of time on
this here podcast, uh, trying to gate

you into not using multiple platforms,

Matt: Yeah.



But I've also, at every turn,
I've always said it's impossible.

Don't even try.

You can't, you can't.

It's a waste of time.

But, uh, I do feel, I have, I have stuck
with something for a good, long time and

it, and it seems to be pretty cool to
have some kind of hierarchy organization.

And that doesn't have to be folders,
but it has to be, here are the

players in this world, here are the
non-player characters in your world.

Here are the locations, here
are the events that happen.

Here's a timeline.

Here's, you know, because that
stuff is going to come back.

And, And in that, like when you improvise
the fella that works at the jail and he,

you know, he's an intake officer and you
have to make him up because your players

suddenly walk into the jail without you
having any idea that that's gonna happen.

You have to like scramble,
you have to write notes about,

cuz they will go back to him.

What is his accent?

Is he Southern, is he Irish?

Is he Scottish?

You have to write that down.

What does he look like?

Like, and, and, and I will say, and

Alison: part for me.

I like, apparently Matt
Mercer keeps like audio files.

Mind boggling.

Um, I was trying to put together
campaign database for my world building.

Fitz shared Mike Shea's
Notion templates with me.

I think to tie this back into
ADHD, one trait about ADHD that I'm

often very, very guilty of, and it
drives me crazy about myself is.

If I don't start something from
the beginning, then it just

gets too overwhelming and I'm
like, well, it's too late now.

Like, I can't, I, I can't possibly
start in the middle and start taking

good notes from this day forward.

No, no, I've already not taken notes,
so I just might as well continue, right?

Um, so to fight against that urge,
I'm just going to start taking

good notes from the beginning.

Otherwise we're gonna wind up in week nine
and be like, Well I haven't done it for

the past eight weeks, so why start now?

Which is something I desperately want to
break myself of this whole, like, well

the whole day's, wasted cuz I wasted the
first two hours of it, which is not true.

If you wasted two hours of a day,
you have several other hours,

you could still be productive.

Matt: It's so true.

Yeah, someday when I feel like, like
what I've got is, solidified, which

I feel pretty, pretty good about it,
we'll share in like actual tools I

think, you know, that, that I think
have been really, really amazing.

Um, Anyway, we were gonna talk about what,
what we do have planned, what we, what we

are excited about being next and stuff.

Alison: I'm gonna go ahead and
out us right here, right now.

Matt: Okay.

Alison: Matt and I are
starting a TikTok channel.

Matt: Yeah, that's

Alison: happening, So we're gonna
spend some time building that up.

Um, we are gonna go guest hunting, which
is more fun for me than ghost hunting.

I think.


Matt: For me.

It's on the fence, but yeah, yeah, yeah.


Alison: We keep every week, I
feel like we have, Oh, we should

invite them to be in our podcast.

Um, you know, so like,
let's get, uh, let's get

some D&D heavy hitters up in
this piece, um, for next season.

So we're gonna spend some time like
dreaming and, and scheming and, and

doing all of those other things.

Um, and then come back to pop you in
the mouth, pop pop, uh, with season two

Matt: It's that what we
do pop you in the mouth.

Alison: Is that,

Matt: pop, pop.


Alison: Is that not what we do?

Matt: Yeah.

Well, maybe, maybe.

I've never, I've never heard it
described that way, but I'm not,

I'm not not into it, I guess.

Yeah, yeah.

You know, I, I had to warm up to the
idea of, of season one and season two

and season three and season 50, but
I, I really, the more I thought about,

the more I really like it because it
gives me something to miss, for just,

you know, a very short amount of time.

You know, I think we have realized
that one thing that's good for us is

to take breaks and to kind of dream
up a little bit and then do those

things and then come back to it.

You know, that's how we work
together as business partners.

And I think that's, I think
that's a good way of, of doing it.

So I'm, I'm gonna do it.

Are, are, are the seasons gonna have
names, Are they gonna have nicknames like

Alison: Oh.

Matt: Season one and Season two.

Season three.

Alison: We could do better.

I hadn't conceptualized that they
would, but now that you've said that,

like we've, we've gotta have, you know,

I've been

Matt: And we might, we could also do
a Christmas special too, or a holiday

special if we really wanted to.

That, that, that's a thing
that happens, you know,

the Star Wars holiday

Alison: like cozy sweaters and elf

Matt: Mm.

Alison: Oh, I love that um,
lot's gonna happen between

now and January, apparently.

Matt: I know.

Oh, and we're going to Cons, right?

We're, that's another major goal
is we're going to conventions.

We both did some homework.

We're going to find some cons
and we are going to N-E-R-D-O-U-T

Alison: O-U-T.

We're going to Wisconsin.

I'm so excited.

Matt: The birthplace

Alison: of D&D

Matt: The birth place of


Alison: Gary

Matt: role playing.


Of role

Alison: to, So yeah, we're gonna go, to
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and take a slight,

uh, short road trip over to Kenosha,
Wisconsin, home of the Mars Cheese Castle.

Cheese on cheese.

Matt: on cheese, on cheese.

You know, Wisconsin's one
of my favorite states.

Alison: And I've never been, and it's
time for me to go and experience it.

And Gary Con and you and I have conned
together before, we have theater conned.

We have theater kid nerd conned out
and, and not really that different

um, and we had a great time and, but
now it's time for us to con our hearts

out once more, at Gary and Game Hole
and GenCon and, uh, Pax Unplugged.

Matt: And maybe the Canadian one.

Alison: Oh my gosh, yes, the Canadian

Matt: break

Alison: out.

Breakout Con, I, I've
never been to Canada.

I've never been to Wisconsin
and I've never been to Canada.

And these seem like ideal
reasons to go to these places.

Matt: Yes, yes.


Um, Alison, I feel like we should
probably say goodbye so that they

hear that we love them so much.

We love you guys so much

Alison: We do.

Matt: That anybody would listen to a,
podcast about ADHD and D&D and gain any,

any kind of enjoyment from it, which we
did not expect you to and still don't.

Like, you don't have to.

There's no, But the fact that
you did and, and do it just made

my year, my whole freaking year.


Alison: warms the cockles
of my cold, dead heart.

Matt: Yes, yes.



So Happy birthday 18 podcast and
uh, we'll come back in season two.

Alison: coming at you.


Matt: Come on at you in season two.

Alison: Yeah.

Yeah, Yeah.

Season two.

Season two.


Matt: on At you in two.

What what what coming
at you in season two.

Come on at you in season two.


Alison: the love of God.

Turn it off.

Matt: Oh my

Alison: Oh

A Home-Brewed World
Broadcast by