Actual Play with Dungeon Master Seth McKay

Matt: Hi Alison!

Alison: Hi Mattie!

Matt: Um I just uh thought that this
next episode needed a little bit of

explanation since it's going to be yeah
a little context because, you know, it's

a deviation of sorts from our regularly
scheduled broadcast, would you say?


Okay good Hey

I'd say the one thing people ask
us the most since we started ADHd20

which is a podcast that finds the
intersection between TTRPGs and

Alison: ADHD

You flipped the script on me!

You making sure was
actively paying attention?

Matt: Kind of!


Alison: Passed!


Matt: You passed!

I'd say one the number one
questions that we get is: But

what is D&D How do you play?

What's happening?

Can I play?

I don't get it!

What are you guys talking about?

Please be quiet!


Alison: I hope they
don't say those last two!

I'll be sad if they do!

Matt: They do

Alison: There goes my RSD

Matt: Googoogoogoo!

Yeah, so there's a genre of YouTube
video actual play probably made the

most famous by Critical Role, so
we're not gonna get into all that

get on YouTube look up Critical Role,
spend the next 500 hours of your life

having a good time, right Alison?

Alison: Oh yes that's most of my
free time now is watching Critical

Role, thinking about Critical
Anyways enough Critical Role to us!


Matt: So yeah, what's actual play, then?

Alison: So actual play is just
when a group of friends like we are

get together and play their normal
D&D game but with the camera on.

Uh and so you've probably heard us
use phrases like a homebrewed world

meaning not something taken from a
script written by a company, but just

kinda living in our own imaginations.

Uh, and so that's what we did.

We called our good pal,
Seth McKay, web designer and

professional GM Extraordinaire!

And said, would you
come be our GM for game?

(GM is Game Master.) And let Matt and
me and Evan and Fitz just run wild

in your little world for an hour so?

Matt: Yeah.


and, and so this next
episode is what came of that.

Uh, Seth is pro, literally figuratively,
and, uh, we had a, uh, you know,

oftentimes one shots are longer, but we
just of wanted to give people a taste,

kind of give people an idea, and we had a
ton of fun and we hope that you will too.

I'll say a couple of things.

This definitely a longer episode.

It clocks in close to an hour
and a half ish, And also, I

did not edit out any profanity.

That because I felt that it would be
actually taking away from the actual

joy and entertainment that this podcast
provides, because my brother and Fitz are

just so prolifically good at swearing.

Alison: We strive to get on their
level, if we're being honest.

Matt: ...gonna motherfuckin' happen!

Ha ha ha Yay!

So, ha ha ha.

So, if you like what you
hear and see, please tell us.

Because we had a blast
making this and editing it.

And we would love to do it again.

Please enjoy our



Fitz: I mean, I've got a soup
ladle big enough for Bud's butt.

So here we go.

Evan: All right, man.

Let's go.


Matt: Messed


Alison: we, we did not take
it easy on the chaos, Seth.

I hope.

I hope that's okay.

Seth: Yeah, of course.

That than, okay.

That is honestly very exciting.

Alison: Great.

Seth: Okay, hello everyone.

I'm Seth McKay, your
dungeon master for the day.

And, uh, I think we're just gonna go
around here real quick and, uh, get

some introductions, uh, character
introductions from our players here.

Diving in, I guess let's have the,
uh, marvelous Matt Bivins kick us off.

Matt: Hello.

Uh, my real name is Matt and I will
be playing Mordekai "Moody" Ouiscon.

Oui, uh, who is a, tiefling Warlock,
and Moody is, you could just think of

the prototypical, uh, goth character.

But he, the, the point is that he's used
his tiefling name as a hopeful point

to, to, he wants to aspire to be moody.

Seth: I love it.

All right.

How about, uh, the awesome
Alison Kendrick, aka AK.

Matt: Ak

Seth: As I'm sure is wholly original.

You've never heard that before?

Alison: Never ever ever.

I love it so much.

I love the alliteration.

And tonight I will be playing
Moody's twin sister Matilda Ouiscon.

Uh, she is known as Snoopy.

Uh, she's a, uh, Clockwork Soul Sorcerer.

She has a fascination with
learning, with taking things apart.

Um, and she has some pretty cool mind
palace abilities we'll get to see.

And she's not at all moody.

She is pretty happy I think.


Seth: it.

All right, uh, next we got
the extraordinary Evan Bivins.

Evan: Uh, hi.

I will be portraying the character of
Crygglinexxerflump "Bud" Buddlicker.

He is a, uh, a deep gnome, so he is just
a little guy, um, came from an underground

and he's a rogue and he is a little bit
of a, of a, of a salty country bumpkin.

And he and Herb have been
friends for a good long time.

And, uh, and uh, but he does
like these new whipper snappers

though, you know, like one is
real moody or, or like, supergoth.

The other one's like a clockwork robot.

He's into it.

Seth: Awesome.

Speaking of, uh, Herb, how
about the fantastic Fitz?

Who are you playing tonight?

Fitz: I am playing Herb, who is a, uh,
tortle um, aka a just a giant turtle.

And, um, you know, if you asked them,
they would say that they are a chef.

Unfortunately, they have some
anger management problems,

which puts them in the barbarian
class, um, within the D&D terms.

Um, and, you know, being a
seafaring creature, they are,

uh, path of the Storm Herald.

Seth: Awesome.

Sounds very fun and So shall we dive in?

Alison: Yes.

Seth: Welcome everyone to the town of
Twigton, a small settlement nestled

at the base of a vast mountain range,
surrounded by the deadly and unpredictable

landscape of the Edwrath Forest.

Our story begins where most
D&D one shots start: a tavern.

Or rather it begins just
outside of a tavern.

The four of you approach The Sour Apple.

It's the local inn and tavern
within Twigton, and an establishment

you've visited on many occasions.

This particular occasion, uh, we find
you returning from a successful quest,

perhaps getting rid of some local rats,
uh, you see posted up in his usual spot,

Ol' Toby, the friendly greeter at The
Sour Apple, who is as much an institution

of Twigton as The Sour Apple itself.

He is a human in his later years,
um, somewhere between 70 and 80,

you would probably guess, uh, with
a puff of white hair, spectacles

that give him a, a wide-eyed look.

Uh, and this unwavering crooked grin.

Uh, as he stands on the front porch
of The Sour Apple, uh, leaning over

the banister, uh, he calls out to you.

Well, hello everybody.

How we doing today?

At that moment, you see the tavern
before you erupts in flame and burning

cinder as Ol' Toby is thrown forward from
the blast landing a few feet from you.

You see the shattered remnants of
The Sour Apple freeze in midair

before, like time running in reverse.

It collapses back in on itself,
condensing and in an instant,

vanishes in a flash of flame.

What do you do?

Fitz: Well, you know, my first thought
here is that they really, they, this is

why they didn't get an A on their health
and safety rating was because I knew that

that oven was gonna go one of these days.

But, you know, maybe that wouldn't
cause this, this time loop.

Evan: Hey man, cold.

Ol' Toby's, he's fucking dead, man.

Come on.

That's heartless.

You're just cracking on his,

Seth: I'm gonna roll here for


Fitz: fix the gas leak.

Alison: Roll for Ol' Toby.

Seth: Everyone go ahead and give me,
uh, perception checks or investigation

if you would like, something like that.

Evan: Oh, with the natural 20, y'all.


Alison: Are you kidding me?

Fitz: I'm not gonna ask
cuz Bud'll figure it out.

Evan: That is a 26 total.

Alison: I, can I cast
a spell super quickly?

Seth: Yes.

Alison: As I'm investigating, as soon
as this happens, I'm gonna Moody,

Herb, Bud come here and I'm gonna just
touch each of them really quickly and

I'm gonna cast aid across each of you.

So you have, uh, your hit point, maximum
and current hit points increase by five

for the duration, which is eight hours.

Matt: Wonderful.

Alison: Maximum and temporary up.

Um, and then I rolled
a 21 on investigation.

Seth: Okay.

Matt: 14 for me.

Seth: 14.


So, um, we had a Nat 20 from Evan.

What, what's your total, Evan?

Obviously Nat

Evan: Uh, 26 total.

Seth: 26.



As you all kind of react to this, this
explosion, of this tavern, Bud, you

see, uh, first of all, immediately
you see a figure fleeing the scene.

Kind of on the opposite side
of where the entrance was.

Uh, you see a, a fairly small form,
um, in a just ragged cloak, kind of

just scrambling through the street.

I would say Snoopy and Herb,
uh, you both see this as well.

You also see Ol' Toby, um,
moving up to, to him, uh, seems

just maybe barely conscious.

Um, and kind of in this reacting, uh,
this, this initial reaction from it,

you see, um, uh, folks in the town start
to, to come out to see what's going on.

You see people rushing over to you.

Um, and you notice with these
super high rolls, um, the tavern

is more or less completely gone.

Uh, you don't see bodies, uh, you don't
see, know, Agatha, the, owner slash

bartender, um, is, is nowhere to be seen.

Any patrons that maybe were
in the tavern at this time of

day, uh, are just vanished.

You see these faintly, kind of glowing,
almost cooling runes sort of, um, as

you kind of move around to investigate,
on each corner of the tavern that,

that are kind of hot to the touch.

Fitz: Well by, before,
before it's too late.

Cuz you said that we saw a
cloaked figure running away.



Matt: Mm-hmm.

Fitz: Do they seem to be running away
because they are scared or are they

running away because they are trying
to hide their identity and get away?

Seth: They seem very, uh, guilty in their.


Fitz: okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna,
I've got this turtle's got 40

foot speed and I'm coming for him.

Evan: What?

Seth: Uh, so Herb, you, uh, takeoff,
um, after this individual, as Snoopy,

uh, kind of instinctively react,
uh, in a reaction, kind of casts

the spell of aid on all of you.

Um, are the rest of you giving chase or

Evan: I'm gonna jump on
Herb's back right in.

Like just dig into her Shell garden.

Just nestle on in.

Seth: Okay.

Fitz: Grab onto some of that,
that, uh, that loose humus and I

just screamed to Moody and Snoopy.

This was not a gas leak.

That guy looks incredibly guilty.

We have to get him.

And I just start taking off with Bud
grabbing onto some lettuce or something

on the back of my shell garden.

Evan: I thought you said loose hummus.

Fitz: Yeah.

Like, you know,

Alison: That's what I,

Fitz: Like dirt, not like chickpea
hummus, like dirt humus, my dude.

Evan: Oh, oh, oh.

Alison: I'm glad Evan
and I were the there.

Matt: Globs, of chickpeas.

Fitz: yeah.

I put, I made some, some hummus
and I put it in a bowl and I just

stuck it in the middle of a cabbage.

Just for safekeeping for later.

Evan: I'm allergic.

Matt: Delicious.

Seth: I was picturing the same.

Matt: DM, would, would Moody be
able to send, uh, uh, just a, a,

a very bold, Eldritch Blast in the
direction of our little friend?

Seth: Definitely most


Go ahead and make an attack role for me.

Matt: Alright.

Uh, that's 26 to hit.

Alison: Nice.

Seth: Uh, uh, go ahead and describe
it for me as you, uh, kind of

summon this magic and, and cast it

Matt: So Moody watches Herb and,
uh, and Bud, Bud jumping on the

humus of, of, of Herb's back.

And before he, he knows that
his sister doesn't love it when

he, when his first reaction is
violence, but he just can't help it.

And he just kind of, he kind of opens
up his palm and there's like this little

black spot that starts on his palm
and then it grows and grows and grows

into this ball that's kind of wisping
and has sort of these black tentacles.

And he just goes as, as, uh, as he's
been practicing for, for decades.

And it just shoots straight at
the running cloaked small figure.

And it gains in size as it

Seth: Fantastic.

As this blast of energy from your hand,
uh, passes, uh, Bud and Herb, it,

it impacts on this individual kind of
just as you're catching up to it, Herb.

And, uh, you see them just splay out.

Uh, and as the cloak hits the ground,
uh, Herb, you see just beneath it almost

this, uh, mini just of like a detonation
as the cloak sort of falls flat.

Um, and you see kind of these whiffs
whisps of flame sort of exit out of the

sleeves and, and you see whatever you saw
legs on this individual, you saw a body.

Um, but as it kind of impacted,
um, I didn't even have you roll

damage Moody, I'm just realizing.

Matt: Oh, no.

Seth: Uh, but,

Evan: That's

Seth: In this case, uh, I, I guess
it wasn't necessary, um, as this

form just, you just see kind of
a cloak now laying where it was,

Evan: Ol' Tobywan.

What happened?

Matt: Uh, yeah, exactly.

Full on Obiwan

Seth: I would say, uh, pulling,
pulling from your, previous checks,

uh, investigation perception, these,
the 21's, 26, um, uh, Herb and Bud.

As you get there, you're
able to kind of quickly.

of, uh, tossed through these robes
and you see kind of falling out.

Um, looks like there's probably
a necklace of some kind with,

with like a emblem on it.

Uh, and you look at it and, um,
it's just kind of this orb of

like breathing writhing flame.

It's just some sort of
token to this individual.

Matt: Okay.

I just, I just looked over at, at,
at my sister with a slight sheepish.

Yeah, slight sheepish look on my
face, cuz I've, I've done it again.

Um, so I, I slowly walk over to join

Alison: I shrug and I wanna cross
over to where we saw him running from.

See if maybe anything was dropped
or any clues over in that area.

Seth: Okay.

Um, you see, just continuing with,
with that initial investigation, uh,

you see kind of at the, the back,
which you assume kind of opposite the

entrance of the, the rear of the tavern.

Um, you see, uh, kind of a smaller sigil
that that resembles the, the four that

you saw on the corner of the tavern.

Um, and I would say with that check
you can identify it seems like

some sort of, uh, kind of sparking,
um, something that initiated

this arcane effect on the tavern.

Um, and based on the, the, the strides
of this individual, it clearly was them

that, you know, sort of initiated this.

Matt: Hmm.

Seth: Um, as the two of you are kind
of looking at this, Herb and Bud, kind

of just in inspecting this, uh, emblem,
uh, you get almost like a ping, uh, it

kind of warms up every now and then.

Uh, kind of like begins to, to get cool.

Cooler or warmer, warmer, warmer.

And then it'll kind of fading and
kind of cool off as you kind of

are moving it about in the air.

Evan: Oh, you ever see
something like this, Herb?

Fitz: No, I haven't
seen anything like this.

Did I have a question though, Bud?

Did Moody just explode
that guy or did he, did he

Evan: He straight obliterated his ass.

Yeah, man.


And what's like,

Matt: And he's, and he walks up
and he is like, I'm deeply sorry,

Evan: Nah, I don't think you are, man.

I think you enjoyed it.

That's, it's okay.

You, there's no shame
in the game you took.

Look at, look man, he's
just a smoking husk.

Matt: Let me try to make up

Evan: Let's check it.

Is there actually any body to this?

Seth: Uh, no.

You see just ashes.

Matt: Okay

Evan: Mm,

Seth: Whoever this was
is just incinerated.


Fitz: See that's my question is
I wonder if, uh, Moody actually

exploded this guy, or if Bud, you've
told me not to hold in my farts.

Cuz you know, you might
just unexpectedly explode.

And I mean, in a moment of
stress, I mean, he's ashes now.

Evan: Yeah.

Matt: He, look like he has,
he had digestive stress?

Evan: Uh, it's hard to say.

He's just dust now, it's so tough.

Fitz: Could've




I think.

Evan: Uh, I don't know.


Fitz: have this.

Evan: shake it.


Shake it

Matt: I, I, I can cast a, a spell
to try to identify that trinket.

Evan: Oh, snap.


What you waiting for?

Matt: All right.

I have, I need 11 minutes.

So specific.


Evan: Really?

Matt: Yeah.

Uh, and so I I, I start casting
identify for, and it'll take minutes.


I out book, I pull out a book.

I've got my, my favorite book.

It's a book of shadows and, uh, and it's
very worn, uh, but taken well care of.

And I just start flipping through.

I put on my reading glasses and,
uh, even though I don't really

need them, I think, I think that
they make me look distinguished

and I start casting, Identify.

Seth: Okay.

Um, as you cast the spell, you feel the
magic sort of, um, coalesce and, you, get

kind of this, this wave of, of sort of
recognition, um, passes over your mind as

you see this now as an emblem of Kosuth.

And, I would say with this spell
Identify you understand Kosuth is

actually, uh, the Lord of Flame in
the elemental plane of fire actually.

Um, and with that, um, spell as well, you
also get a sense of its sort of purpose.

You, you recognize it as, uh, maybe
not necessarily a religious symbol,

but, but some token of, um, iconography
of some sort to this individual.

And, you get an under gain, an
understanding of kind of, uh, what,

uh, Herb and Bud were, were gathering
before with the warming and the cooling

of this is as you kind of move about,
it almost acts like, like a compass.

Anytime it points, uh, somewhat northward
it, it begins to, glow with this

kind of warmth, um, within the metal.

Fitz: Oh.

Seth: And with that, we are going to,
uh, move forward as you all journey

north following this, this fiery compass.

Um, you traveled for about half
a day, about four hours, uh,

northward, sort of, sort of, uh,
using this to guide you forward.

Uh, the four of you come upon
a small clearing where the

forest and the mountains meet.

Uh, you see, uh, in this clearing, a
simple ramshackle fortification, uh, with

roughly, uh, built walls of wooden planks.

Uh, you see a few makeshift barriers
of branches and scraps of wood that

have been sharpened into points.

Um, and you see kind of just beyond
within the walls, the faint trail

of smoke, um, looks like from
maybe a dying fire or something.

Fitz: Okay.

Before we go anywhere, go.

You guys, as we've been traveling,
I, uh, made some snacks.

It's been a long day.

I wanna make sure everybody has enough,
uh, protein and, um, everything that we

need if we're gonna get into a scrap.

So, uh, here, here, I, uh, I
use the medallion to toast some

pita bread, so I give everybody
a couple of pita pita crisps.

Um, and then I, I reach onto my shell
guarded and I pull off a couple of fresh

bell peppers, and I hand those out.

And then I pull out a bucket
of hummus from inside my shell.

All right.

Everybody dig in.

Uh, make sure you've had enough.

Evan: This is really warm.

Alison: Do you have anything
other than bell peppers?

The, the inflammation's really bad for me.

Fitz: Oh

Evan: Yeah

Fitz: You want I have, I have,
um, I, I have some other things.

I've got some tomatoes, if
you'd like some of those.

Alison: Beautiful.

Thank you.

Fitz: At, at cucumber.

Okay, great.

You know what, why don't you just
go to the shell, grab whatever you

want and, uh, because I have the
chef feat, um, everybody who eats,

uh, a snack, uh, on our trip up here
gains three temporary hit points

Matt: Dang.

Evan: Oh,

Seth: Beautiful.

Alison: By the way the, the, timing on
aid that I cast earlier is eight hours,

so you also still have those five.

Matt: Boom.

Evan: All right, so
let's take a look around.

Wait, so there's pointed sticks and
somebody put out a fire and what else?

Seth: Uh, the, sorry,
what'd you say, Herb?

Fitz: I was ignoring Bud's request for
more information and I was gonna ask if

we should just go walk up and say hello.

Seth: Well

Alison: Always good to
be impulsive in life.

And in D&D.

Evan: Yeah, go for it!

Seth: Herb, you are welcome to go
ahead and walk up, but as you do,

uh, I guess everyone go ahead and
gimme perception checks as you

are kind of surveying the area.

See what else you see.

Alison: It has to be Perception?

It can't be investigation?

Seth: Uh, no, investigation
will work as well for this.

Evan: 21.

Alison: Either way, it's not a

great roll

Matt: Uh, dirty 20

Alison: An eight for me.

I got distracted by my book again.


Seth: So, so Bud had a 21 and Moody had.

Matt: Mm-hmm.


Seth: Dirty 20.

Uh, and 10 and eight.

So, uh, I guess Herb, are you walking up?

Fitz: I ask if I should walk up.

Should we just go say hello everybody?



Evan: Yeah.

Matt: Yes

Seth: Sorry, Moody,
you had your finger up.

What were you gonna

Matt: I was going to suggest caution, but

Evan: Oh, why?

Matt: Simply because the
creature that, that we last

met destroyed an entire tavern.

Evan: Look.

Justice for Ol Toby, are you in?

Are you out?

Matt: I'm in.


Evan: Go.

Matt: Alright.

Evan: Let's go.

Seth: Okay.

So, uh, as you approach Bud and Moody,
you actually don't hear anything

beyond these walls immediately.

Um, kind of, uh, taking a, a moment
to kind of see if you notice any

movement or anything, you feel pretty
confident that it's somewhat abandoned.

Um, but as you all move into the space,
you do, notice with the, the emblem you

have Moody, of this emblem of Kosuth,
uh, begins to, to flare in warmth almost,

uh, to, to an uncomfortable degree.

As you proceed into this sort of
small encampment, you see, uh, the

remnants of, uh, you know, a, a camp.

You see sort of sleeping gear, you
see, uh, cook, fire, uh, et cetera.

But, um, kind of back in the back,
uh, on the, against the mountain

walls, these kind of steep sloping,
uh, rocky, uh, precipice, you, you

see a sort of broken opening, um,
within, and you see a tunnel beyond.

With your 21, bud and, and your,
uh, 20, moody, you both hear sort

of indistinct sounds very faint,
kind of coming from the tunnel.

But as far as the encampment
goes, it seems all clear.

Matt: Do we want

Evan: Do get that

Matt: This, this, This tent area a a
once over before we go in, just in case?

Evan: Taint area?

Fitz: Sure.

Evan: What?

Matt: Def Definitely not the taint area.

Evan: Sorry.


Alison: Why are you like this?

Evan: I'm sorry.

Matt: Tent area, Bud.

Evan: Do we wanna give the
tent, taint area a once over?


Fitz: Yeah.

Let's check it out.

Let's check out.

Evan: All

Matt: A, a quick investigation check
perhaps in the, in the general, or

is it too large to do comfortably?

Evan: Oh, snap!

Look at that taint.

Fitz: It's a very, very, very nice taint!

Evan: Yeah, it's natural, man.

Come on.


Seth: Kind of a, a rough
cloth hanging over this, this

entrance, this cave entrance.

Evan: Is there a treasure chest filled
with healing potions by any chance?

Seth: Uh, everyone go ahead
and gimme investigation checks.

Matt: Okay.

Evan: Got a, 21.

Seth: Another 21.


Matt: Ooh,

Evan: I'm.


good tonight, y'all.



Alison: Good Job

Seth: Snoopy, what did you say?

Alison: 17.

Matt: And just an 11 me.


Fitz: Trust me guys, I have
an intelligence of nine.

So my investigation was, uh,
very, very great at an 11.

Evan: All right.


Seth: As the four of you poke around
this, uh, encampment, um, looking

for anything valuable, you're pretty
confident there's, there's not

really anything, uh, noteworthy.

However, with those checks you get
kind of looking at the tracks, it's,

it's a well worn sort of floor.

It seems like, uh, this has
probably been set up for, for a

while, maybe six months to a year.

You see, with the 21, you, you
notice probably two sets of

footprints that seem more recent
that, that enter this this cave.

Um, you see a lot of smaller feet,
um, almost like there's like little

singe marks on the ground where
these, these smaller footprints are.

Um, but you don't really see
any of those sort of entering

the cave or really at all.

Um, you kind of just see them leaving
and, and returning from the encampment.

Evan: How big, like if I measured
my little old foot next to one of

them, is it about the same size?

Seth: Um, some of 'em about the
same size, some of them, um, maybe a

little bit one, one or two sizes up.

Even with that, they're, they're not
quite like, uh, a goblin's footprint.

They, they almost, they look
similar, um, but they look a

little distorted or something.

Just kind of some, some of the other
sort of creatures you're familiar with.

Uh, it doesn't.

Evan: The stank foot goblin the infamous
stank ass foot goblinoid creature.

No, not

Fitz: I was just gonna ask you, Bud,
you've got that look on your face.

It looks like you found
evidence of stank ass feet.

Evan: Man, you can smell a mile away.

Now what about, what about
these big, these big'uns?

Are those, those are going
inside the, the tunnel.

The cave tunnel.

How big is


Seth: Those seem to be proceeding within,
um, looks like a large sort of boot print.

Alison: I turn around with a big
smile on my face and just go,

I'm ready to go in the cave now.

Evan: Oh, oh, that's, God.

Alison: There's more things to see there!

Matt: Sister is excited.

Evan: God, you scared me to my core!

Alison: Well, why

Evan: That was the scariest.

I don't know, but there was
something about that, and it

was this most terrifying thing I
think I've ever seen in my life.


That's okay.

I'm over.

Fitz: Yeah.

Evan: It's

Alison: I, I'm just always in...

Evan: keep you keep that energy going

Alison: pursuit of information.

Let's go.

Matt: Right

Fitz: Let's go.

Seth: Snoopy, are you leading the charge?

Alison: Yeah.

With my, you know, super high
passive perception of nine.

I should definitely be in the front.

Fitz: Oh

Alison: I do have, I do have 60
feet of dark vision though, so yeah.

Unless somebody else in the
party overtakes me, Snoopy's

gonna start marauding.

Let's do this.

Fitz: Her

Matt: I, I,

Fitz: Isn't the best.

Matt: I actually, I actually, uh, I have
the ability to, to speak to my sister,

uh, using, telepathy and I, and I say,
Snoopy, please return, let us send the

tank into the dangerous area first.


Alison: And without I, I
don't have a way to respond to


Matt: No, you, respond....

Alison: so he's got his telepathy, I have
my telekinesis, and I'm just gonna give

him a good old telekinetic shove and try
and pull him up five feet towards me.

Let's go.

Matt: Okay.

Yeah, she's, she's very excited.


Evan: What are y'all doing over there?

Fitz: I don't know, they're
really excited to die.

Seth: So as you all to die.

Matt: I am very excited to die.

Evan: Know, man.

Come on.

That's weird.

You need some, you need to work
on your self-esteem a little bit.

Alison: By the way, you, you, uh,
Moody can choose if you want to, uh,

with try and withstand my telekinetic

Matt: Oh, I'm, I'm so used to it.

I'm so used to it that I, that
I just kind of just go with the

Seth: Embrace it

Matt: Yeah, embrace it.

And what it signifies is that,
is that Snoopy is just excited.

So, uh, yes

Seth: Okay.

Fitz: Okay.

Seth: So the four of you

Bud, can

Fitz: You in the dark?

Seth: Ooh, good question.

Evan: Yeah, man.

Come on please.

That's, well, that's like
the most insulting thing I've

ever been asked in my life.

Fitz: Well look, I know you're
from the Underdark, but I thought

it would be rude to assume.

I can't see in the dark.

Would you hold my hand please?

Evan: Of course, I would.

I promise.

Fitz: go.

Matt: We, we should move forward.

Evan: Yeah.

Come on.

Seth: As you, the four of you enter
this tunnel, uh, you feel kind of a, uh,

wafting of warmth hits you as you enter.

Um, it's not uncomfortable at first, but
fairly quickly it gets to that point.

As you sort of moving along this tunnel,
it's probably about 10 feet wide.

Um, you see the walls of the tunnel are,
are somewhat sort of wavy and textured,

um, but have this smoothness to them.

And, uh, it seems to descend,
sort of winding down chaotically.

Um, and as you proceed it, it begins to
get hotter and hotter, uh, to the point

where you just feel yourself sweating.

Do turtles sweat Tortles?

Fitz: I don't know if, if, if,
yeah, I don't know if they sweat,

but I'll say that the, um, leafy
greens on my shell garden are

wilting a little bit, not as crisp.

Seth: They definitely are wilting as, as
some of you, your clothes begin to stick

to you, um, uh, just, just from the heat.

And, uh, you see about, uh, as you
proceed probably about 20, no, about

20 minutes uh, down, down this path,
you, um, see the tunnel opens up, up

ahead and there is light down here.

Um, you see a sort of shifting glow,
um, and you see, uh, kind of as this

tunnel opens up, uh, you see, uh,
uh, kind of a series of torches,

kind of flanking the entrance.

Alison: We should skim along the walls.

Fitz: Okay.

Evan: Yeah.

Should we do a, should we
do a little stealthy time?

Fitz: Yeah.

Evan: And while, Bud is saying this,
he's pulling out his, his, um, water skin

and he's just squirting, uh, Herb down.

Seth: Okay.

Just watering the

Evan: Look, I know that you ain't, I know.

You ain't got no sweat glands, you
know, so just trying to help you out.

It's hot.

Fitz: It's hot in here and I
have no clothes to take off, so

Evan: Oh, snap.

Fitz: Okay.


Let's be sneaky.

Evan: Yeah.

Seth: So I will describe the
room as, um, as you kind of

peek in kind of along the walls.

Before you, the chamber, before you,
uh, seems to be a large open cavern

space with, with rough stone walls.

Uh, near the center of this room,
you see there are two columns

formed, uh, where some stalagmites
and stalactites, uh, meet.

Um, you see must be the source
of this sweltering heat, a large

circular platform, uh, on the,
uh, sort of opposite the wall you

are at, uh, maybe 20 feet across.

You see within it this vibrant glow sort
of issuing up, uh, and, uh, in the air

you see this, this almost disorienting,
sort of warping to the air from the

heat waves issuing forth from this sort
of 20 foot, 20 by 20 round platform.

Uh, it's, it's kind of eye level where
you are, so you can't really see down

into it, but, uh, you know, you can
make your own sort of conclusions

from, from what you see and feel.

With that, uh, sorry, were y'all
trying to sneak up to this opening?

Okay, so go ahead and give
me stealth checks, please.

Alison: Oh, thank God I rolled that
one high cuz I'm a negative one.


Evan: That's not very good.

Alison: 18, 18.

Seth: Okay.

Fitz: I rolled a 10.

Matt: And also 18 for me.

Seth: 18 for Bud?

Evan: 13.


Seth: 13 and Moody.

What did, did you already
say what you Sorry.

Matt: And I got an 18.

Seth: Ah, okay.


Matt: Twins.



Seth: So the, the two sneaky twins
kind of, uh, move in, um, kind

of seeing this chamber first.

Um, and, uh, you hear sort of, uh, the
sounds of sort of splashing water and,

and, uh, a little bit of, uh, maybe some
evaporating happening as, as Bud is sort

of pouring water over Herb behind you.

Uh, as you move in, uh, you, you hear
your two companions, being louder than,

than maybe the two of you would hope,
uh, with how stealthy you are being.

And, as this sound kind of carries
throughout this chamber, with that

you hear, uh, a voice ring out.

Welcome, welcome.

You see across this chamber,
the weathered form of Ol' Toby.

Alison: You

Seth: So good of you
all to arrive on time.

I suppose I should
introduce myself properly.

You see the wrinkles fade, the
hair unfurls down to the waist.

The ears extend to pointed tips.

And the illusion you are so
familiar with altogether drops.

Alison: You have got to
teach me how to do that.

Seth: As this, uh, new
form is, is revealed.

You see, he seems to ignite in flames for
a moment before they kind of fade away.

Um, I am Tobinduil, the Tricky!

Harbinger of the Herald,
Keeper of the Gate.

And you, you four shall
be my final sacrifice.

Uh, you see this excitement in his eyes.

Um, I guess with that, I'm, I'm sort
of retconning in my head, realizing

Moody and Snoopy got 18, um, that
maybe he didn't see the four of you.


Matt: He saw those two behind us.

Seth: Yeah.

Yeah, he goes, ah, you all
will be my final sacrifice.

Um, do you all react at
all or would you like to

Fitz: I, I have a question, but the,
first of all, what kind of sacrifice?

Cause I don't wanna like, you know,
explode or die or anything like that.

But like, if you need, I don't know, if
you just need a helper, I guess I could do

that, but, but I have a question though.

I really, more importantly, I'm,
I'm confused because why would you

blow up your old restaurant unless
it was for like an insurance scam.

So what does an insurance scam, and
needing sacrifices have to do with each

Seth: Oh dear.

My plans are far beyond
your, I'm sorry, what?

Evan: Have you always been Ol' Toby?

Are you just masquerading as Ol' Toby now?

Or, I mean, think about all
the good times we had together.

I mean, we were like, you

Seth: Oh no.

I killed old, Ol' Toby before he was old.

I've been Ol' Toby for, I wanna say
around 50 years working this plan.

Evan: Oh my God.

So all those times together where we
sat at the bar late at night, just, you

know, drunk out of our minds and cuddling
each other, all of stuff was was you.

Fitz: It was meaningless?

Our karaoke duets meant nothing to you?

Evan: Exactly.


Good call Herb, man.

That's messed up.

Seth: They meant absolutely nothing.

The only thing that mattered
is summoning the Herald.

The Herald of Kosuth.

And this is that day.

Alison: Um, so he can't
see Moody or me, right?

Seth: Right.

So you all, you two have
kind of slunk into you.

You kind of, uh, identified some, some
pockets of this rough, uh, sort of

cavern that, that kind of were cloaked
in shadow, due to the torches and,

and kind of slipped into those areas.

Alison: As he kind of reaches that
pinnacle, can I cast a spell at

him as he's railing on my friends?

Seth: Definitely.


You may.

Go ahead.

What would you

Alison: So I'm gonna just step out.

So how far from him are we?

First of all, let me,

Seth: So this is, uh, the, sort of
pit of fire, um, on the opposite side

of the chamber is about 20 feet wide.

Um, I'd say he's about 60 feet from you.

Alison: So then I'm gonna step
out and I'm gonna hit him with

Tasha's Mind Whip at second level.

Seth: Okay.

Evan: Whip it good.

Alison: What this is, is I
physically lash out at a creature.

I can see within range.

He's gonna need to make an
Intelligence Saving Throw for me.

DC is 15.

Seth: Okay.

Alison: Let's first see if he does that.

Seth: Okay.

He is good at these,
this intelligence saves.

So, uh, however that is a natural one.

Alison: Yes.

Fitz: Sucker.

Evan: Snap.

Alison: So couple cool
things are gonna happen now.


Seth: Okay.

Alison: Yeah, having no impulse
control finally paid off for maybe

the first time in Snoopy's life.

Um, so first thing we're gonna
hit him with the damage, so

that's gonna be six and five.

So, uh, he's taking 11 points of
psychic damage, and when we get to

his turn, he only gets a move, an
action or a bonus action, and he can't

take reactions for the next round.

Evan: Oh, snap.

Matt: Wow.

Seth: I guess with that initial
strike, um, let's go ahead and

roll some initiative y'all.

Alison: Yeah, we will.

Evan: Yeah, yeah.

Alison: We'll be the Critical
Role sound effect here.

Seth: So, Snoopy, since you kicked
off us, kicked us off with this

combat, uh, what was your initiative?

Alison: I I'm really glad I, I
sneaked in that turn cuz I rolled

pretty low uh, 8 for initiative.

Seth: Okay.


We got Snoopy at eight.

What about Moody?

Matt: 18.

Seth: Ooh

Matt: Not bad.

Alison: He always has to one up me.

Matt: Must.

Seth: Uh, Herb, what you got?

Fitz: Uh, 16.

Seth: And Bud?

Evan: I also got a 16.

Seth: Ooh.

Fitz: You're probably
more dextrous than I am.

Oh rollies!

Evan: Rollies!

Oh man.

All right.

What you got?


Fitz: I got a.

I got 15.

Evan: Go Herb.

Seth: Beautiful.


All right.


Alison: It's a beautiful dance, combat.

Matt: It's a beautiful dance.

I have a question for my sister.

Did you, did you take
the opposite wall Snoop?

Or did, or did we kind of sneak together?

Alison: Yeah, I stuck to you

Matt: Yeah.

That's what I, that's what I thought.

Alison: And I didn't, and the, the
spell range was 90 feet, so I didn't

really, like, I may have taken like one
step forward, um, to kind of announce

my presence, but I did not go far.

Matt: Okay.

Seth: Yeah, so, uh, just since we're kind
of going Theater of the Mind with this.

He is on the far side.

So he's just beyond kind of on
the, the far end of the room,

almost as far back as you can get.

And you see kind of before him this
kind of platform, uh, to about waist

height, uh, like a, like a altar that
he seems to be standing in front of.

Um, um, but since we are doing more
theater of the mind, we'll keep it

kind of loosey-goosey with, with
as far as ranges and, and sort of

proximity and that's that kind of stuff.

So, um, if you want to rush up to
someone, just just let me know.

Um, but however, first thing's
first, Tobinduil the Tricky, the

Harbinger of the Herald did roll a 19.

Matt: Darn

Evan: Oh.


Seth: He is actually going to go
first, um, after this initial reaction.

However, um, he only gets one,
one of his things correct.

Alison: One, one of the three.

Action, bonus action or movement.

Seth: Okay.

So that is very unfortunate,
uh, with him, I guess.

Um, now that we're in combat and, and,
and kind of diving in, Snoopy, would

you describe the, the mind whip for us.

Alison: Uh, yeah.

So, uh, Snoopy's, you know, her,
her, her magic is a little bit more

transparent, uh, than her brothers, uh,
but with like a little bit of glitter.

So it's just kind of like this
more silvery, wisp, um, comes

out and you don't see it until
the second before it hits you.

So it, it kind of leaves her hands,
travels through the air, and then

shows up in his face and pow.

And boy does he feel it.

Seth: Yes, he does.

the spell indicates, you see him
kind of whiplash his head back.

Um, and he's, he's reeling from the
pain, um, and you see him stagger

a bit and his eyes, uh, go a little
wide, uh, not expecting this.

Um, and he is actually going to,
um, use his action to, uh, just futz

with the, the sort of platform, the
altar in front of him, um, because

that he can only do one thing.

So, um, you see, he seems to prioritize
what's in front of him and, um, as

he does, so he goes, uh, Doma, do you
mind, uh, and you all see or hear, uh,

this sort of hulking footsteps, from
the left side of this cave entrance.

Um, and we will get to that
character, uh, on her turn.

Alison: Oh

Matt: Oh,


Seth: and unless one of you moves
over towards these footsteps,

uh, which you very well can
do Moody, it is now your turn.

Matt: Okay.

So, the, the sound is
from the left of him?

Seth: Kind of as you, as you enter this
sort of funnel of the room, it's kind of

coming straight to the left where the,
where the wall kind of curves around.

Matt: Okay.

So my goal was going to be to see
if I could get over to him and

if there was any, and as I was
running, I would, it's pure theater.

But I, I have this thing that I do where
I, where I cast a shadow, create a blade

made of shadow, but I pretend that I've
got like this, sheath for the sword.

And I'm unsheathing and I think
I look super cool when I'm,

well, I'm pulling this, sword.

Evan: Look cool.

Matt: And it kind of, as I move my
hand out, it just sort of extends

out into this, to this long sort
of, uh, shimmering shadow weapon.

Uh, and my goal was if he was in
dim light or darkness, I would

have advantage to attack him.

But I don't know if number one I'll run
into this approaching creature or no.

Seth: Yes, would, would I guess Snoopy
and Moody, would y'all have gone

to the right side or the left side?

Apologies if you had already stated that.

Matt: I did not state that.

What did we do, Snoopy?

Seth: Do you wanna roll for it?

Matt: Yeah.

Alison: Yeah.



Matt: What are we, what

Seth: Even, even on the left?

Alison: Right.

Matt: Okay.

Alison: Odd, left even.

Matt: You wanna do the honors?


Odd left even right?

That's a six.

So that's the Right.

So that's

Seth: Yes.

Matt: Okay.


Seth: The footsteps are coming
opposite the side you are

Matt: Opposite.


Then if I have the ability to go
around and stay as hidden as I could

and maybe just kind of come out out at
him with the sword, I would do that.

Seth: Yes.

So you, uh, sort of, I would even say
since, uh, since you were stealth and

kind of, uh, uh, kind of slinking along
this wall, uh, you, you kind of seeing

your, your sister react, you were able to
kind of get yourself into position, um,

where you see, uh, Tobinduil standing.

Uh, he is cast in this,
this bright light from the,

Matt: That's

Seth: um,

Matt: Fair.

Seth: From what you see
now is just a lava pool.

Um, and, uh, as you approach, so,
uh, I would say with the shadows.

However, if, if it requires you
being in dim light or darkness,

then, then you would definitely
be able to find that advantage.

Um, but if it requires for the
creature, then I would say he's

Matt: He's

Seth: Pretty illuminated from.

Matt: He's lit, man.

Um, he's pretty lit.

Uh, no, it's the target.

See, you use this word to attack a target
that's in dim light, that's advantage.

So that's okay.

I will still try to stab
him through the, um, side.

Seth: Okay.

Matt: Okay.

Do I, that's just regular attack.


Seth: So this is a melee spell attack.

Alison, he cannot take reactions,
if I remember correctly.

Alison: Correct.

For this round.

Matt: That's a dirty 20.

Alison: Yeah, it is.

Evan: Uh,

Seth: 20, that definitely hits,

Matt: Ooh.

And then 18 points of damage.

Alison: Yes.

Seth: 18 points of damage.



Um, as you,

Alison: Go Bro!

Seth: Go bro!

As you move out, you slash with this sort
of, um, would you say it's, it's billowing

a bit as you swing the, the smokey sword?

Um, uh,

Matt: Shimmering yes, pulsing.

Seth: As the, as the blade, uh, this
arcane blade pierces into a Tobinduil, uh,

you actually see, uh, flames almost erupt.

Um, what's your passive perception?

Matt: Uh, 11.

Seth: Okay.

Uh, you see them erupt
kind of from his side.

Um, and you actually take 11 points
of fire damage, which you are.

Alison: We're resistant.

Seth: Wait, are a tiefling?

Alison: Yeah.

Matt: Okay,

Seth: Halved to five.

Um, but you see this burst of flame as
you strike out, uh, with your blade.

Um, but it sinks deep, uh, and he
reacts, uh, in this groan of pain.

Um, you also, now that you're up
here, you get a good look sort of at,

um, the sort of altar in this, this
large pit now that seems constructed.

You see ruins sort of around
the, the exterior of it.

Um, and uh, you see flame
beginning to, uh, appear around

in a circle around the pit.

And with your proximity, you can see
this massive hulking, 20 to 25 foot

flaming sort of, uh, just massive
riding flaming humanoid figure

standing atop this lava pit, uh,
almost like shimmering in and out.

Uh, it's not quite coalesced, but
it is, uh, you are very aware of it.

All of a sudden as he's sort
of is scrambling at this altar.

Matt: Okay, so there's, there's something
appearing, starting to appear in the

lava pit, and then there's noise on
the left side of the room and then him.

Seth: it's all coming from this lava

Matt: Okay.

Seth: Yes.

And the noise on the left

Matt: And the noise on the side

Seth: Yes.

And you see, you see kind of, of,
um, uh, from your, your perspective

now standing up where Tobinduil is,
uh, you see this hulking or sort

of stepping out of the shadows.

Uh, you see, see, she has two
long, kind of tightly woven braids

down to either side of her head.

Uh, these, uh, these massive menacing
tusks protruding out of her mouth.

You see one of them is pierced
with like a metal ring.

Um, and, uh, you see her just kind of
shaking her head, uh, and you hear her

just say, good god's bloody blew my cover.

Uh, and, uh, then we will move
to Herb unless you just get

one attack with that weapon.

Matt: Yeah.

Just one attack.


Fitz: Okay, so I have a
very important question.

Seth: Yes.

Fitz: Was it, Tobin that
gave fire damage to Moody?

What exactly gave fire damage to Moody?

Seth: Uh, it was Tobin.

It was when the, when the blade
hit, Tobinduil um, he seemed

to burst in out in flame.

Fitz: Okay.

Uh, well, here's the deal.





And I go into a rage and I am
going to run head log at him.

Um, uh, full, full speed ahead.

I go running for Tobin And I pull out
my, my meat tenderizer, which is just a

maul but, um, it's my meat tenderizer.

Uh, and I am going to give
him a hearty smack for

Seth: Okay,

Fitz: Moody.

Seth: Awesome.

Go ahead and roll your attack,
which I believe you get two attacks.


Okay, awesome.

Fitz: Like I said, nobody




Seth: Going reckless.

So you get advantage on this attack.

Uh, so you're gonna roll twice
and take the higher number?

Fitz: Yep.

Oh boy.

Alison: Oh.

Fitz: Rolled a two and a four.

So a, uh, wait, wait, I gotta do math.

An 11.

so my, so my first swing uh, I
was, I was running and I, you

know, the, the rage has taken hold.

Um, and I just couldn't see straight
a little bit there for the first one.

So I'm go in it for the second one.

That's better.


That's a, that's it's 24 to hit.

Seth: Ah, that hits yes.

Fitz: Great.


Seth: Surprising no one,
that hits the Wizard.

Fitz: I'm kind of surprised
at the 11, didn't hit

Seth: Know he, um, yeah,


Fitz: rolled ones on all of my D sixes

Matt: You No


Fitz: It's, yeah.

So it's a big, uh, let's see.

So I, I get six points of, uh, what kind
is this bludgeoning bludgeoning damage

from the meat tenderizer and, and how
many points is my rage worth these days?

Hold on.

Plus two and two rage points of

Seth: Okay.


Fitz: Um, oh, oh, oh.

An important thing to note, it's not gonna
take effect this time because I used my

bonus action to rage, but there is now
a 10 foot aura, uh, radiating around

herb that is crackling with lightning.

Seth: I love it.

That's awesome.

So you, Herb, as you run up, you see
this massive kind of glowing, uh, fiery

figure appearing in this lava, uh,
seemingly being summoned from this ritual.

Um, you swing out at Tobinduil uh,
glancing him with one blow as this

lightning crackles around you.

Um, and as you hit,

Fitz: Yeah.

Seth: Take 5 points of fire damage.

As this now, uh, you see sort of,
uh, reacting to melee attacks, this

fire shield, uh, erupts outward

Fitz: I mean it,

Seth: That will bring us to Bud.

Fitz: Yeah.


Evan: him

up, herb.

Don't, don't let him send your nethers.

Uh, alright, so, uh, okay.

So the, orc who came out?

They, what did they say again?

Did they they said, Bud blew my cover.

Seth: Uh, she, she seemed upset that, uh,
this wizard kind of revealed her position.

Uh, she just said

Evan: She's not with us.

She's with him.

Seth: the wizard.

Evan: Gotcha.

Gotcha, gotcha.


So here's what I'm gonna do.

So I have two people who are within Melee
of the Wizard, and was there a panel

that he was like working on near the

Seth: like some, yeah, just
like a stone sort of platform.

Evan: Okay.

Seth: alt, uh, he's just kind
of reacting to the altar.

Evan: Right.



Alright, well for my bonus action,
I'm going to use Insightful Fighting

on the


Seth: Okay

Evan: So she will need to,
it's a, um, contested check.

I will roll Insight against her Deception.


Seth: Okay.

Evan: Oh no.

Nope, nope.

That's a natural one.

Seth: Oh,

Fitz: Bud



Evan: I mean, I don't know.

Roll Deception.

Maybe she'll get a natural one too.

Seth: Uh, she, she
actually got a 20 total.

Matt: Oh boy.

Evan: Sick.

Well, that's okay.

Um, so I'm going to attack the
wizard who, um, Uh, with my crossbow.

So I'm just gonna maneuver since
I see the orc coming on the left.

I'm gonna get over towards the, the right
wall, get some distance between me and

her and 25 feet, uh, or however many feet
there is, and I'm going to attack him.

And, uh, Ooh.

Yeah, 17 plus eight, I'll probably do it.

Seth: Yes.

Evan: .To hit.

Okay, so that's seven plus sneak
attack damage 3d6 Oh, snap.

Come on, come on.

So that was seven plus oh 7, 8, 9, 10,
14 points of crossbow piercing damage.

Seth: Okay.

Uh, he's, he's looking
pretty hurt at this point.

Um, as you, uh, kinda
snipe with your crossbow.

Uh, you see it pierces him, uh,
kind of in the up upper shoulder.

Uh, and, uh, he's, he's looking
a bit, sort of frantic now

being flanked on both sides.

Uh, you don't see the, the,
the kind of fire around him

react to your crossbow bolt.

Matt: Oh.

Evan: Justice for



Seth: Uh, would you like to move at all
or you, you, uh, or did you already, you.

Evan: Yeah, just further away from
the, or like, not too close to anybody.

Just trying to kind of.

Seth: Keep

Evan: yeah.

Keep a, like, keep away.

Seth: Um, it is Domas turn now.

Uh, this, uh, uh, sort of hulking orc, um,
is going to, uh, she's gonna rush over to

Herb, um, as you are attacking Tobinduil.

So, uh, you see she, uh, pulls
out this massive war mace, um,

and just barrels over to you.

Hey, hey, stop.

Uh, and it's just gonna swing

Matt: Hey,

Seth: seems very sort of,

Fitz: Hey

yous Aus.

Alison: Hey you.

Evan: get outta here.

Seth: Hey, cut it out.

Uh, he's paying me.

Um, and she gets an eight
to hit on the first swing,

Fitz: Nope.

Seth: Uh, and an 18 to hit on the second.

Fitz: That gets.

Evan: Wait a minute.

You, she would have
advantage against you though.

Fitz: That's

Alison: Um, I'm going to use my reaction
to restore balance and I'm going

to take away her advantage on Herb.

So she will be doing a straight roll.

Evan: Oh

Seth: Beautiful.


Evan: heard of

Matt: clock

Alison: It's, uh, it's uh, part
of the clockwork soul sorcerer,

so it's called Restore Balance.

And so when I see somebody, uh, within
my range, if you, if a foe is ro

rolling against myself or my allies at
advantage, I can cancel that advantage.

If you are rolling at disadvantage,
I can cancel your disadvantage.

It's pretty cool.

Matt: Boom.

Evan: Love them robots.

Seth: Uh, so the first strike still
misses, uh, and the second strike

only hits for, for a sad six damage.

Fitz: And is that halved already?

Seth: No.

So it would be three

Alison: Nice.

Seth: Because of your rage..

Um, as you are just raging out on
this, uh, this, uh, ancient high

elf, um, who is hurting your buddies.

Uh, you, you don't even really
notice as the war mace just

glances off of your shell.

Fitz: Yeah.

Seth: that will bring us to

Fitz: Snap under the weight of it.

Seth: Yeah.

Alison: So are the orc and the,
the, the mad mage, are they, are

they close to each other now?

Seth: They are very close.

Alison: Great.

We're gonna do

Seth: a double sandwich situation going,

Alison: Amazing.

We're gonna do something super fun then.

I am going to, um, I'm, I'm, I'm, first
of all, I'm feeling a little left out and

lonely that everybody else is up in that
party and I'm, so, I'm, I'm gonna run

over there, um, and get with my buddies.

And then I am going to cast at
second level Crown of Madness,

and I'm going to expend two
sorcery points to twin that spell.

So it's going to be hitting
both the orc and the Wizard.

So they both need to roll me
Wisdom saving throws DC 15.

And as I'm running, I'm coming.

You guys, I'm coming.

Don't have all the fun without me.

Seth: Okay.

The wizard got a 16, unfortunately.

Um, however, that's a nine for the orc.

Alison: Okay, so the orc then, um, so
what's gonna happen, a, a humanoid of

your choice that you can see within range
must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or

become charmed by me for the duration.

While the target is charmed in this way,
a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on

its head and madness glows in its eyes.

The charmed target must use its action
before moving on each of its turns to make

a melee attack against a creature other
than itself that you mentally choose.

I really was hoping they'd both fail,
so I could just have them duke it out.

But you win some, you lose some.

Um, so yeah.

So the orc now is anytime.

Yeah, anytime that the orc, uh, has a
turn, gonna try and wail on the wizard

obviously is the one I want to choose,
and they can make a wisdom saving

throw at the end of each of their
turns to see if they can eventually

Seth: End of each turn.


Alison: So I am no officially
out of second level slots and

I am down two sorcery points.


Matt: Whoa.

Seth: So at the, is it at the
end of your turn that the mind

whip fades or at the beginning?

Alison: We've gone
through a round, so yeah.

So Mind Whip, mind whip peace out.

Seth: Okay.

So he's got, he's got all his stuff.

Um, so it is now his turn.

Um, Tobinduil is going to, you know
what, he's going to cast Fireball.

Centered on himself actually.

And you see, as he sort of calls this
fire down, um, he, uh, sort of, you see

the, the fire, the flames, wreath and kind
of, uh, move around him almost like water

flowing off of a, a repellent surface.

Um, him and the orc, seem to be,
uh, unfazed by this fireball.

However, I am gonna need Moody and Herb
to give me dexterity, saving throws.


Matt: Oh dear.

Fitz: Right, now I'm at
advantage cuz I am raging.

Seth: Yes, I'm gonna roll these dice.

Fitz: Oh Lord.



It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay, maybe.

Evan: Extra hot hummus coming up.

Fitz: Yeah, right.

Matt: Cooked hummus!

Fitz: Is scorched.

Alison: I love fried

Matt: Yeah, fried hummus
is pretty good, actually.

Fitz: Got some roasted red
peppers, and that's about it.

That's left on the shell.

Sauteed mushrooms?

Uh, I got a, I got a 18.

Evan: That's pretty

Seth: 18 is a success.

And 22.

So you both succeed.

Uh, the damage was 30 damage cuz he
also gets to add five to his damage, um,

of any, any evocation spell he casts.

So, uh, it'll be half to 15 for each
of you then halved again, halved

again for Moody, uh, to seven.

Matt: Nice.


Good job.

Seth: Not that bad.

Um, and then you see him,
uh, as a bonus action.

He's going to continue to tinker
with these sigils uh, that you see,

uh, uh, this ritual being performed.

Um, and that is gonna be his turn,

Matt: Okay.

Seth: Which brings us to Moody.

Matt: Did he move, did he did
or did I move or, or am I still

kind of right next to him?

Seth: You're still kind of up there, sort
of sandwiching with, with Herb there.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

I put the, I put the altar bit.


Well, I, I, I have this sword, so I
have to roll concentration, don't I?

Cuz it's, it's a concentration.

Seth: Oh, it's a,

Matt: I'm not usually a spellcaster.

So, and what, what do I have to do?

I have to


Seth: or higher on a con saving

Matt: I don't, so I'm, and I,
so I swing to, to slice him

again and the swords just gone.

Um, so, okay.

I have to, I have to rethink that then.

Um, I am going to hope that he
is distracted and try to get

some space between the two of us.

Cuz I've, I have by, him before.

And I'm just going to, I am
going to, I'm just gonna go.

You know, stereotypical warlock and I'm
going to give him an Eldritch blast.

Evan: it worked so good last time.

I mean, you destroyed his ass before.

Matt: Yes.

Evan: just.

Matt: Maybe.

Maybe there's an

Seth: He does not react
to you moving away.

He seems pretty focused.

Um, so you back up, um, and go
ahead and make your attacks?

Matt: Great.

So that is a 22 to hit, and then

Seth: Yes.

That will hit.

Matt: Uh,

for, ooh, for 14 points of damage.

Seth: 14 points.


Evan: Cantrips kill

Matt: I rolled

Evan: kill

Matt: I roll.

Cantrips Kill, cantrips kill.!

Seth: you, are you fifth level wizard?

I mean, warlock.

Matt: Yes

Seth: Are you full Warlock?

So, um, at fifth level you get
to cast Eldritch blast twice.

Um, so you, you make it a separate
attack role for each, uh, attack.

So you get to go again.

Matt: Oh


Seth: That wispy tendril

Matt: Uh,


Evan: Crispy

tendrils getting hungry, man.

Matt: That is only a 13 to hit though.

Seth: 13 does not

Matt: Darn.

The other one goes wide.


Evan: Nobody

Seth: Some, he's got some Wiley

Evan: Second one, don't worry.

Matt: And I think that's me.

Seth: 14 points of damage.

He looks very hurt and
very sort of frazzled.

You see, uh, these, this
culmination of his hopes and

dreams, uh, over all these years.

Uh, you see the, the sort of craze
in his eyes as, as you, you can

see it just slipping away from him.

Um, and that brings us to Herb.

Matt: A side note.

Side note, you're kind DM Seth, because
my favorite to do the players, my

favorite thing to players is talk
about the enemy's hopes and dreams

being or brothers being killed.

All kinds.

That's my favorite thing



Fitz: Well look

Matt: respect.


Seth: Thank


Fitz: Now look, he should have stuck
to arson and because he d-didn't just

do, I mean, he could have been a lot
of money on an insurance scam, but

instead he decided to summon some
sort of thing and to hurt my buddies.

And for that I'm gonna recklessly smash
him in the face with my meat Tenderizer,

Seth: Okay.

Fitz: and that's a natural 20.

Alison: Yes

Evan: Yes.

Seth: Nat 20.

Evan: Yes.

Seth: Oh

Fitz: dear Seth, let me ask you at
your games, uh, because depending

on the dm, uh, critical hits can
get different types of damage.

So how do you calculate the
extra natural 20 damage?

Seth: Uh, versus you mean doubling the
dice or rolling twice as many dice?

Fitz: Mm-hmm.

Seth: Um, I honestly leave it
up to the player on what they

prefer to do, um, generally.

Fitz: Well, I'm gonna go full click.

Seth: I know rolling more
dice is, is very fun.

Alison: So satisfying.

Fitz: Yes.

Seth: Oh.

Especially as a, as a raging barbarian,

Alison: Yeah.

Oh, that's so many of them I can tell.

And I love it.

Evan: Oh no.

Fitz: I rolled a lot of sixes, y'all.

Alison: Yeah, girl.

Fitz: All right.

So that's, um,

Alison: then kill him Dead.

Moody, I think somebody's about to die.

Fitz: Uh,

Matt: Welcome.

Fitz: That's 29 points of damage!

Seth: points.

Um, you see as, uh, as Tobinduil sort
of reacts to, this eldritch blast

kind of hitting him in the side from
the left, uh, he sees, uh, Herb, you

flanking him on the, on the right.

Uh, he, he goes, no, no, I
am, I'm, I'm the Harbinger,

the Herald of, of, of Kosuth.

I'm, I'm the one who, who, who's supposed
to summon the guy who summons the guy.

Uh, and, uh, go,

Fitz: You're just the
middle manager, my dude.

Seth: Uh, go ahead.

And Herb, would you please describe with
before us, he had seven hit points left.

So, uh, describe for us how you would
like to finish off this, uh, this fraud.

Fitz: Okay, well, um, look,
getting at the restaurant

business is tough, I should know.

Uh, but he did it all wrong.

And for that, uh, he's getting a
meat tenderizer straight to the face.

And as, um, it slow motion, you just
see it like impacted his cheek smoosh.

And, um, with the full weight of a 411
pound turtle behind this tenderizer,

uh, this tiny little, little wizard
just goes flying into the lava pit.

Matt: Whoa.

Seth: I love it.

Um, as the body sort of hits
the lava, you see, uh, kind of.

Alison: Let the bodies hit the floor.

Matt: the.

Seth: The very hot floor.

Um, you, you still see this monstrous fire
entity, um, sort of flickering in and out.

And as the body hits and singes and,
and, and sears, this smoke goes up.

Um, you see, uh, the face of Doma,
this, this orc kinda be like,

uh, and kind of step back a bit.

Um, and the, uh, flames
seem to build a bit.

Um, and as they do, you see this, this
massive sort of outpouring of energy.

Um, and I need everyone to make a
Strength or Dexterity saving throw

please, as this ritual is sundered
and, uh, kind of the, the pent up,

arcane energy in the process is broken.

Matt: Oh boy.

Fitz: Still raging.

Evan: I'm good.

I'm good.

I'm good.

I'm good.


Alison: Oh, that's not good.

Oh, that's a

Matt: Eight for me.

Alison: Four.

Seth: Eight.

Matt: Mm-hmm

Seth: What, what'd you get, Herb?



Okay, Bud.

Evan: 26.

Matt: Wow.

Seth: Okay.

I guess I'm actually gonna
roll for this orc as well.

Um, the, orc.

Alison: Who is still under the influence
of Crown of Madness, by the way.

Seth: Oh, very true.

So you tell me, would, would she
react to this based on the spell

Alison: um,

Seth: with the, with the

Matt: eyes

Seth: Maybe I'll just
roll with disadvantage.

Alison: Yeah.


It doesn't say anything about
reactions, it's just, yeah.

So, yeah, she's, she's, um,
there's a madness glowing in her

eyes as she rolls a disadvantage.

Sounds great.

Seth: Yes.

I rolled in 11 for both
rolls, um, which becomes a 17.

So she actually succeeds.

Bud, you succeed as well.

And you Bud, you witness your three
companions as this explosion of energy.

You see it sort of, uh, in
envelop this entire room.

And as they, as it does, you see similar
to, the tavern, The Sour Apple, your

friends sort of are blown back from this.

They kind of freeze an air before, in the
air, before being sucked, drawn into this

flaming, uh, portal that has appeared.

And whew, they vanish.

Evan: Fuck.

Seth: Uh, you see the remnants
of this energy is still there.

What do you do Bud?

Evan: Holy shit.


Seth: Over this lava hole.

All three of your companions
have, have, have vanished.

Um, and you see the, the sort of arcane,
um, residual sort of energy that, that

they seem to have vanished within.

Evan: Oh shit.

I'm gonna run over to that panel
with them sigils that, that, that

Toby, Toby was, uh, was looking at.

See if I can make sense of it.

Seth: Very cool.

Uh, go ahead and gimme
an Intelligence check.

Evan: Oh,

Seth: Um, you could add,

Evan: Oh, I'm pretty good

Seth: Just be, Arcana or
just straight Intelligence?

I guess it would be the same or
better as arcana So gimme an Arcana


Evan: Oh, balls nasty.

That's a, that is a four.

Seth: Four.

Um, you, uh, rush over to this, the,
the, or seems to kinda be standing

there, just sort of out of it.

Um, you cannot make heads or tails
of what this is or how to reverse it

or how to, uh, affect it in any way.

All you know is that your friends
were, were sucked into this

portal and there's probably only
one way for you to get to them.

Evan: Oh my God.

So, uh, the portal is
there in front of me.

I can seize it.


Seth: You

Evan: And it's over the pit.

Seth: It's over the pit and
it seems to be fading a bit.

Evan: Oh,


I'm, I'm gonna back up a little bit
and I'm gonna, I'm gonna run, I'm

gonna jump up off the lip of the thing.

I'm gonna jump right into it.

Seth: You jump as you do, you leap
out, um, almost, uh, like a whirlpool.

Evan: And

into the lava pit

Seth: Yeah.

yeah it


you are melted.

Um, uh, no, you, you almost hang in
mid-air about halfway over this pit,

uh, about halfway to the portal.

And you almost begin to circle it.

Uh, almost like being
flushed down a drain.

You are, you, you spiral around
and, uh, your vision flashes

to white and then fades.

And as you come to the first thing
that hits you all four of you is

the heat, like a physical blow.

You breathe in and your lungs burn.

But as your body adjusts to these
extreme temperatures, uh, you are

able to take in your surroundings.

You see a splintered, but overall intact,
drinking hall, a familiar drinking

hall, actually, uh, you find yourselves
within the Sour Apple as you walk about,

you see it is a bit worse for wear.

There are, uh, kind of these
cracks, uh, throughout.

You can see where it was
splintered and kind of sundered.

Um, and as the four of you approach
the broken front door or one

of the busted out windows, you
see this glowing force outside.

And upon looking, this tavern seems
to be floating about 50 feet in the.

And out before you, you see a
rolling landscape of broken rock

flowing lava and endless flame.

Matt: Hmm.

Seth: And that is where
we will end our session.

Fitz: Oh


Evan: Oh

Matt: Honey

I'm home demons.

Demons, demons.


Fitz: The twins are in a great place.

Uh, Bud Herb are a a little spicy in here.

Seth: Yeah.

Evan: Oh man.

That, was

Matt: fun

that was That fun!

Alison: That was so amazing.

Thank you.

Seth: Hey,

Alison: Yay.

Seth: Thank you.


Evan: Yeah.

Seth: I'm, I'm glad y'all had a good time.

Matt: Yeah.

Thanks, DM!

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To us as people, to ADHd20 the podcast,
and to the greater Bivins Brothers

Creative Commonwealth of Nerds.

Actual Play with Dungeon Master Seth McKay
Broadcast by