The One Where Ross Gets Eaten By an Owlbear

Friends! We need them, love them, miss them when they leave, but also have a tough time making them. Matt has a tough time with Ross, because he's insufferable.

Matt: Do you hear that sound?

Alison: Crickets?

Are you integrating sound effects?!

Dreams do come true.

Matt: Dreams come true.

They do.

Oh, wait.

Oh, just you wait, just, it's
gonna get buck wild up in here.

Alison: Oh, I'm so excited.

Matt: How are you my friend?

I've been thinking about you this week.

Alison: Uh, yeah, it's not been my
favorite week in the spirit of honesty...

Matt: yeah.

Alison: ...and full disclosure.

For anybody listening who's not my
friend on Facebook or Instagram.

Um, I had to say goodbye to my
wonderful 17 year old cat last week,

my sweet little Maggie and that sucked.

Matt: Oh,

Alison: There's just no,
no other way around it.

Matt: Never a time where that's cool.

Alison: Do not recommend.

Um, so yeah, just been laying low
this week and cuddling my other

little snuggle bun, Coney Bear,

Um, and trying against all of my best
efforts to take it easy and take it

slow, which is very hard for me to do.

Matt: Yeah.

Cuz that's the other thing is that
you were supposed to have this week

off, you were supposed to go to Maine.

Alison: Mm-hmm I am
not in Maine right now.

I am in Charlotte, North
Carolina, but it's okay.

I figured Maine will always be there.

I hope, I hope, you know, if any
of the, you know, Continental

US falls off into the ocean.

And floats away.

Maine is not my pick.

Dear Ocean take Florida take Texas.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Alison: So, so yeah, so I, I
adapted, I changed my plans.

I, uh, bailed out of my vacation.

Um, and I stayed home and attempted
to rest, but worked more instead.

Matt: Oh, bummer.

Alison: Go ahead and play
the womp womp womp sound.

Matt: Oh, that's the wrong sound.

Oh man.

Alison: You gotta laugh.

You have to laugh.

Matt: You gotta laugh.

Um, not a, not a fun week.

I know.

I know, but it's, you know, I think
it has just been, it's just been

hard on everybody, I don't know
why it's just something in the air.

Alison: Truly.

Matt: Something about August.

Alison: Yeah, we're in the, in between
where it we're all tired of summer and

it's not quite fall, but the kids have
already gone back to school and we're

just seeing, you know, all these different
shifts in ours and our loved ones lives.

Matt: We're in the upside down.

Alison: Yeah.


We are.

Matt: I think I may, maybe I forget
every year that, that it's August

is a little bit like that because
I have great things to celebrate.

Um, next week is my 10th year anniversary.

Alison: Double digits!

Matt: Yeah, I know.


Alison: That's amazing.

Matt: I can't even believe it can't
even, Uh, well, no, that's not true.

I can totally believe it.

I can

Alison: Those of us who have met
your wife could totally believe it.

Matt: Yeah.


Alison: As per usual, I have a sweet
little outline for today that we

are welcome to ignore or keep to.

We'll see, we'll see how it goes.

You know, this, everything
this week is just up in the

air in some great experiments.

So we'll just, we'll see.

Um, but, but first but first, Matt,
but first, do you know what time it is?

Matt: Don't have

Alison: Oh my goodness.

Matt: ready to bed.

Alison: Um, your, uh,
links for you are in Slack.

Matt: Yes, I actually, I saw it and I
opened it and then I closed it again.

I was like, I'm so excited.

I'm oh, I just got no,
I've got it right here.

Alison: We are just walking tropes
of ourselves most of the time.

Matt: Gonna be super trope-tastic.

Super trope-tastic.

Alison: All right.

You wanna, you wanna roll first?

You wanna rock that, that,
that dice roll first.

Matt: Okay.



Inquiring minds want to know
40, 48 is the number that I'm

rooting on the ADHd100, um, table.

Alison: So this is, this is one
that I've actually been pretty

excited about for a while.

Build a D&D party with
characters from a TV show.

What show and what
characters would you pick?

Matt: Oh, to play, like what characters
would I play would just like.

Alison: No, like take the cast of Friends
and like, you know, so you, you wouldn't

wanna play with Ross, but you would play
with, you know, Chandler and Joey and

Rachel or whatever, you know, like you
can, you can leave people out if their

vibe isn't cool enough for D&D is telling.

Matt: Okay.



I mean, Now that you've opened
that up though, now that

Alison: I know.


Matt: We kind of have to do that.


Because I saw, I watched Friends
for the first time this year, um,

and, and genuinely enjoyed it.

I, I just, I, um, yeah, I was too
snobby in the nineties and too busy.

I think we've talked about that,
We sat down and watched all of

friends and I thought it was
a strangely uplifting program.

You know?

I mean, it's just from starting
to finish, they love each other.


Like, that's the cool thing.

So what it would be, they
would make a good D&D party.


But of course I would leave Ross behind.

I just can't.

I can't do it Ross.

I'm sorry, man.

He, uh, he made the cut, but
unfortunately, due to his hubris,

Alison: Mm.

Matt: He perished.

He perished fighting an Owlbear,
which is such a sad way to go.

Alison: At like level three too,
Like not even, not even into it.

Matt: Let's see, Ross would be, um,
I would say probably Ross then would

be like a, a wizard wouldn't he?

He'd be the studious type.

Alison: Yeah.


Matt: He would be he's
the nerdy studious type.

So he would be a wizard and,

Alison: He would be a wizard.

He was probably planning on multi
classing four or five times Paladin

for some holy reason, you know?

And didn't even get that far.


Matt: Ooh, Ooh.


Is it, do I dislike Ross because.

They might have coded him to have a little
ADHD, but the annoying parts of ADHD that

I, that are annoying to me about myself.

And that's what turns me off of Ross.

Alison: Okay.

That's its own episode.

own thread.

Matt: it down.

my God.

Oh my God.

Alison: Oh, no.

Matt: Oh, that is at episode though.

Okay, cool.

Uh, anyway, Ross was a wizard.

Let's see.

Let's see.

Let's see,.

A druid would absolutely be Phoebe, right.

Phoebe would be a druid.

Alison: Mm, a hundred.

Matt: Bard.

Joey would be the Bard.

Um, well Joey or Chandler.

Alison: Yeah.

Matt: That's tough.

Alison: Maybe they both would be bards.

Maybe it would be a party
of bards, a bardy party.

Matt: Maybe like one would be
like sub classing is sort of a

jester type and the other one
would be more of a, I don't know.

And then Monica?

My favorite strangely.

Alison: Did you already say Rachel?

Matt: Oh, Rachel, right.


Rachel would be, I think
Rachel would be a fighter,

Alison: Oh

Matt: So Monica, um, would then be

Alison: Hmm.

Matt: What would Monica be?

Alison: I feel like she would
be some kind of a caster.

I feel like she would
be warlock or sorcerer.

Matt: She has a, she has a pact.

She has a relationship with a...

Alison: Can't you see.

Matt: Well, maybe yeah, yeah.


I could see that.

Um, I was trying to
somehow work in her O C D.

Alison: Mm-hmm.

Matt: I was trying to somehow
figure out what that, how that could

manifest in a cool way, but, um,
yeah, let's go with the warlock.

Yeah, I like it.

I like.

Alison: I sign off on all of these things.

Matt: Okay, great.

Alison: I'm sorry that if my example
led you to feel, you know, railroaded

and boxed in, but I love that.

Matt: No, it worked, it worked.

I, I got to show off my, my new
found knowledge of, of Friends.

Alison: Yeah.

Yeah, I did take that by the way,
as a future topic, takeaway of

diagnosing our favorite characters
with ADHD example, Ross from from

Matt: Yeah.


Alison: We'll go down that,
that, that masky path.

All you ready for me?

Matt: Yes.

Alison: I have a 13.

Matt: 13 is What is
your favorite D&D spell?

Alison: Ooh.

Ooh, I, so I, I, whatever one is the one
that's going to cause the most damage.

You know, even in games where I'm supposed
to be like buffing other players or

healing, like I'm not a good healer.

I wanna fight.

I wanna, I wanna kill stuff.

So messed up.

So I, I tend to like to cast the ones that
you cast them once and then can use bonus

actions to keep firing away, like a Call
Lightning, um, or something like that.

Moonbeam, Sunbeam, any of those
where you cast on an action.


Matt: Uhhuh.

Alison: Witch Bolt I don't like,
because I feel limited that you

can only send it at one person.

You choose, you choose a,
a place to send Witch Bolt.

So I think I use this in one of our games
in Strahd where I cast, Witch Bolt on

somebody and they died in the next round.

So then my Witch Bolt was wasted.

I felt like, whereas.

Area of effects.

If I Call Lightning, man, I love that one.

Cuz you could just move it around
wherever you want it to go and just

smoke people out of their little hidey
holes and just burn them to a shred.

Love it.

Matt: OP, but, um, you were, you
were playing the other day with

one that, I wasn't super familiar
with, but it was really cool.

Mind Sliver.

Is that, is it Mind Sliver?


Alison: I think it was no,
I think it was Shatter.

Mind Whip?


Mind Whip is the one.

Matt: That one was cool.

Alison: Yeah, that one's

Matt: It did some really
unique things like, yeah.

Alison: That's the one where
I think same kind of vein.

So it causes damage and then it
takes things away from who it hits.

So I think that's the one where on the
next turn, the, if they, if they fail

their save on their next turn, they
can either have an action, a bonus

action or a movement, not all three.

And it's so limiting.

Um, yeah, that one is fun.

That's my newest character Cora.

So I'm playing around cuz this is
my second time playing a sorcerer.

Um, so on this one, I'm I'm trying very
hard to not choose the same spells I've

played with before, you know, stretching

Matt: Not it's really fun.

You're doing a lot of thundery stormy.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: Stormy weather kind of things.


Alison: Gotta get that boom, boom, boom.

Matt: Yeah.

Sweet, good answer!

We need a, we need a sound
effect for ADHd100 table time.


Alison: A little intro in and out of it.

Matt: Let's see.

This is gonna be the beginning,
the end and the beginning of me.

Um, yeah.

So what kind of topics do you like?

Alison: Well, Matthew, um, right
before we hopped on mic, I think

actually, as we were like doing
some, some testing and, and checking.

Our good friend Fitz, who
we mention every episode.

Hi Fitz, uh, slid into our DMS...

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Alison: With some news.

So this news, if you haven't heard,
is that, uh, 2024 will mark the 50th

anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons.

Matt: Yes.

Alison: And so Wizards of the Coast is
coming out with what is being called

One D&D which it will effectively
apparently be like D&D 5.5 E.

Um, currently, now we're on 5E.

Matt: Wow.

Alison: Uh, so I started, of
course, while Matt was doing all

of his nerdy tech things, I started
furiously reading through the press

releases and what, uh, Wizards of
the Coast has put on their website.

What's already live on, uh, D&D Beyond.

Of course, you know, if you're a D&D
person you've either heard of this, or

you can go on your own, um, you know,
uh, rabbit hole rampage, if you will.

Um, but they're, they're, like that

Matt: I've never heard
that rabbit hole rampage

Alison: Rabbit hole rampage.

They're gonna start, like you could
opt in, you can claim, play test

material for your own games, get to
fool around with it a little bit.

And then there will be these survey
windows that you'll get to then give

feedback to, I guess, help shape
the future of Dungeons and Dragons.

Matt: Happy.

Happy clown.

Alison: So I've already claimed mine.

Log into your

Matt: Just now.


Alison: And you claim it.

This is so great.

And so the very first thing that's
up, and this makes me weep with joy.

I feel like after a cloudy, rainy,
awful, depressing, terrible week,

the clouds are parting and rays are
shining through again because of this,

because the first play test material
is all around character origins.

So basically it's just, it's begging,
it's asking me to build some more

characters and you, I think Matt
mentioned this not too long ago, that

they may be kind of replacing the whole
idea of race with origins instead.

Um, so I'm excited.

I'm excited.

Matt: I mean, I personally, have been
wanting to move in that direction.

Just like, look, well, you
know, they've gotten flack.

I don't know if it was necessarily
deserved flack, meaning changes

needed to be made to game to
Dungeons & Dragons and 5E.

But this movement, these movements,
to just being more mindful, more, more

sensitive, more, all these things, we're
all learning how to do this, right?

Like I don't think that, you know, making
Drow evil for decades is you know, bad.

It just needs to change.

That's all.

The game needs to evolve
the way anything evolves.


So yeah, I, I love this and I, I
think that's where it's moving to is

like, what do you wanna look like?

What do you wanna be?

Who do you wanna be?

You could be a, you know,
a human orc halfling.

I mean, my, I just found out
my dog isn't even a shih tzu.


So like, why wouldn't
that apply to everything?

I don't know.

It's fun.

I'm psyched.

We need a play test.

Alison: Absolutely.

So, yep.

We've claimed ours go claim yours.

And the other part of the announcement
that kind of excited me, cuz we've also

talked about this on prior episodes
is they're trying to make it both

forward, scalable and backwards proof.

So they're trying to say, we
understand that different people

like different systems, modules,
rule sets, whatever, for a reason.

So they're trying to integrate this.

So if you're on 4e you can continue
with this One D&D you know, one D&D to

rule them all one rule set to bind them.


Matt: Nerd!


Alison: I'm really sorry.

Matt: No, nerd.

Um, no, I mean, we are nerds.

And I really like that.

I think that's, that's part of...

we haven't really taken that plunge.

But the thing that has been
attractive about Pathfinder to me,

because I feel that as, as the indie
rock version of D&D it's, uh which

again is be the hipster version.

That's so belittling, but I mean,
there's an element of it that's true,

but it is just way more open in a
lot of ways, in some ways it's more

hardcore, but there's an openness to it.

So I'm psyched.

That Wizards is kind of, uh, saying,
okay, look, let's open this up because...

why they did such a good job with
5e man, they did such a good job.

And there's always gonna be
people who want to play 2e right?

3.5, 4 whatever there's always gonna be.

And that's, that is a different game.

And I know we've talked about
that, but like, you know, the

Dungeons and Dragons of my youth
is very different from the one now.

It feels different.

It plays different.

It, it acts different.

The choices are different.

And that is an attractive thing.

It's an attractive game, but man, the,
the level of heart and the focus on

story, honestly, the therapeutic elements
of this game, I think have happened

since I took a 20, 30 year break.


Personally, I don't, I don't remember
the game being quite as focused on

your feelings, if you want them to.


You don't have to focus on your feelings,
but I like to, and that's why I love

part of why I love the game so much.

So yeah.

Keep branching, keep it open, you
know, cuz they could close it all

up, but I'm glad that they're not.

Alison: Mm-hmm.

Matt: Hooray.

We'll see.


That was live news.

Um, what else?

Alison: So, we got, we got some more fan
mail, uh, this week, um, from our friend,

Adam, uh, sent us, just a little bit
of feedback, which we, by the way, love.

And you can send that to us anywhere
that you want to on Bivins Brothers

Creative's, Facebook page on our
website, uh, by joining our yeah.

Twitter by joining our
Patreon on our Instagram.

If you have our emails, phone
numbers, uh, carrier pigeon, owl post.

Any which any, which way
you wanna go, we'll take it.

Maybe don't send us a howler.

But other than that, actually,
you know, what, if you wanna send

us a howler, you can do that too.

Um, , it's just all like
bubbling to the top today.

Matt: You're on fire today.

Nerd, nerd fire.

Alison: I told you we were
leaning really into our tropes

and you're going full hipster on
me and I'm going big weird nerd.

Matt: Yeah.

I've got like I in front of me,
I've got this like super fresh

ground coffee made with vacuum
press and I've got my mustache.

None of that.

Alison: So our friend Adam sent us
this great message with, honestly,

I think a lot of stuff that Matt
and I wanna talk through on this

podcast in one way or another.

Um, but the part that really
stood out to me was an actual, um,

proactive podcast topic, suggestion
that I'm just gonna read verbatim.

I hope that's okay, Adam.

Uh, it's how to make friends as
an ADHD adult, especially when

it comes to joining D&D groups.

I play pickup games at the local game
shop and feel super out of place.

I'm not willing to buy a random graphic
tee just to appear to fit in, uh, making.

I love that.

Making friends as an adult is hard, but
it seems it might be harder with ADHD.

Thank you for saying that because I
I've, I've felt that way for a while.

And I've heard from a
lot of my adult friends.

And so I, I actually don't know if it's
any better or worse with, or without ADHD.

I currently live in Charlotte,
North Carolina, which is

where I went to college.

It's not where I grew up.

So I'm lucky in that I have an
abundance of people that I went

to college with and kind of this
ready made community for me here.

But I moved to New York for a few
years between college and settling

back down here and had a, a hard
time like figuring out how do

you make friends outside of work?

You know, I'm not the type just to,
as we've talked about, walk up to

strangers and start up conversations.

And I've had a lot of friends here in
Charlotte wonder and approach me and

say, how do you make friends here?

And I have no answer for them
because my friends here are primarily

people I went to college with.

It's again, that, that safety
blanket, that comfort zone

that comes up every episode.

But the reason I wanted to bring
this up, not that, I mean, well,

I'll pause here and kind of ask you,
do you have any advice or thoughts?

As far as I think this is something
we both talked about though, is

the hardships of making friends
as an adult, as someone with ADHD.

Matt: Yeah, we've definitely danced
around the topic a little bit.

I certainly can walk into a room and
talk to almost everyone in there about

something, you know, one thing But it,
you would think that because of that, that

I would have scores and scores and scores
of friends, like really close friends.

But the flip side of it is, is something
that we talked about two podcasts ago.

The object, uh, permanence, right?

Where you're like, wow, that
was such a great person.

That was so cool to meet them.

And then they live in this universe
and you don't see them for a a year.

And they're like, oh, hi, my name is this.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I just, I, I met you.


But it was a year ago.

So it's your fault.

Alison: Did I tell you about
the experience of going to my

brother's wedding a few months ago?

And my family is pretty
small on both sides.

My aunts and uncles on both sides
are how my parents got together.

So these are obviously people that at one
point in time knew each other, cuz they

all went to the University of Alabama and
met in Birmingham and set my parents up.

My aunts and uncles, we get to the wedding
and it had been so long since anybody had

seen anybody that they started introducing
themselves by first and last name.

Cracked me up, like I'm, I'm
sitting there just like taking

it all in like stifling laughter.

And it was funny to watch
cuz they're doing it.

And then at the same time as the
other person is returning it, they're

like, of course I know who you are.

I think this is a fear
that we all have though.

We all have this fear that we're not
gonna be remembered even by the most,

you know, even by our, our relatives,
relatives by marriage, but still.

So I think, you know, and, and yeah,
sometimes names are hard, you know,

sometimes if I'm going to a place
with a friend I'll, I'll tell that

friend, Hey, I, if I don't remember
somebody's name, I'm probably

not gonna introduce you to them.

You are gonna have to say hi I'm...

Matt: Oh yes.

Oh, I have all of those with
any friend that I have going.

Yeah, that is, yeah.

Alison: So, you know, to jump
in and say, Hey, I'm Alison.

Matt: This is a timely topic
for me because, I have

this friend I've mentioned.

He is an actor.

I did not know him, pre pandemic very
well, because he was a full-time actor

in Chicago, which means he really
just worked all the time all the time.

But then the pandemic happened and
I, I was, uh, reintroduced to how

to make friends because of Matt.

Because he decided for whatever reason
that I was going to be a new bestie.

Which is 100% necessary to become
a friend of somebody with ADD.

That's point, is that he didn't
know all of that, but like he, I, I'm

assuming all of his friends in his
life, he says, do they pass muster?

Yes or no, if yes, I'm
going to work at it.

And he works at it, you know?

And he really moved past all of the
topical stuff, the superficial stuff.

And he he made us incredible cocktails
and he would invite us over and we

would like, you know, have dinner
and, and doing all this stuff.

And he just kicks ass

Alison: mm-hmm

Matt: at being a friend, you know?

Um, He's my newest, best
friend, like in Chicago and I

have great friends in Chicago.

And so, uh, tonight I'm going to
his farewell party actually, and

it's real sad, because I have
spent so much time in Chicago just

trying to understand all of this.

Like why is it harder
for me to have friends?

Because I, um, I am the way I am because
I was in a rock band where, where I

didn't have to work very hard, uh,
because I have, because I am older,

it could be because I have ADHD, it
could be any number of those reasons.


Um, so the coolest thing is
just that Matt gave me this

gift, not just friendship, but
he showed me what it takes.

It's not easy.

It's really nice.

it's not easy.

I mean, maybe it is for him.

It's definitely not for me.

I'm so grateful that he did.

And I, and I, I feel like I've learned
some lessons and, and the other cool thing

is he's going away for a year or more.

But I'm not afraid to lose him.

You know what I mean?

I'm not afraid to lose him as a
friend where I don't know if that I

could say that about everybody that
I know, you know, so that's cool.

Alison: Well, It reminds me of, and I
think Fitz is somebody who sent it to me.

There's a meme that says something
along the lines of how introverts

make friends: an extrovert, finds
them, likes them and adopts them.

And that's

Matt: That's it?

That is a hundred percent it.

Alison: And I have been both
the adopter and the adoptee

and, you know, you're right.

When you find a, a new shiny friend
that you zing with, for whatever reason

you wanna hold 'em in place and show
'em the ropes and like, Nope, Nope.


Not gonna let you slide outta
here, but sometimes you need to be

pulled into somebody else's orbit.

Um, so I almost wonder if it's not so
much an ADHD versus not conversation,

but an, an introvert versus extrovert
conversation that we started on, you

know, before, and, and, and why you
and I both are able to do it and also

struggle with it because we've both
become more introverted in recent years.

Maybe even just, maybe
we're just ambiverts now.

Um, so, yeah, so I, you know, I
think it's, I think that's all

a wonderful thing to talk about.

So what, stood out for me
in Adam's question, because I

personally don't have any answers.

I wish I did.

I thought this might be
a fun challenge for me.

Like if, if I would take this as
a, challenge maybe isn't the right

word, but maybe I need to try.

Maybe I need to like, almost go
undercover and, and try for myself

some of these meetups and local game
and report back to the listeners of

ADHd20, both as a social experiment,
you know, research for our podcast

and our listeners and our community.

Um, so I can say this is definitively
what I learned in my experience.

This is what worked and what didn't.

Take that for what you will, but I also
wonder if it's a boundary I need to

push on for my own growth, you know, to
find more people that I can play with.

As often as I wanna play to get over
the fear of strangers to, you know,

we, we even talked about not that I
would expect this out of it, but when

we were having the, the podcast episode,
uh, where dating with ADHD came up and

I was like, I have no answers for you.

I have no idea how to meet
guys, like, other than dating

apps, which is a swift no.

Maybe there's a nerdy boy somewhere out
there in Charlotte that I, I don't know.

Evan, Evan has long suggested that I
go to more Cons, just because like,

he's like, you need to go to where your
type of person is gonna be, and they're

not gonna be, you know, at a bar.

And they're not probably even going
to be on the apps, but they might

be at a, at a big old nerd Con.

Matt: I love that.

Alison: I'm telling all of you,
all of this, what you, especially

Matt to hold me accountable.

Like, let, let me, you know, this
is like the concept of meetups is

something that I have long shunned, um,

Matt: Me too.

Alison: Feel free to hold me accountable.

Give me a little bit of time, too.

Matt: I, I love this challenge
for yourself that you created.

I accept the challenge that
you created for yourself and I

will hold you accountable, cuz
I think it's an amazing idea.

I think that you are
entering a new era of AK.

You have, you have lovely friends, you
have amazing ones, but where you are

right now, I think that, uh, similar
to me, there have been people who have

kids or want kids or moved into this or
got new jobs or, or are just operating

or just focuses change and evolve.

I think this is the time where
you're going to find that group.

That's always, probably been there, but
maybe you didn't know it was inside.

We all knew that you were a nerd,
but you just kind of had to like

open that door and walk on through.


Alison: I hear you on this new season
and finding this new, you know,

blazing this new path to glory, then
there's this other part of me that's

sitting here going no new friends.

I'm good.

I'm full.

I have, I have enough.

Matt: Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, but

Alison: But not every, but, and not
every friend you, you meet has to be a

soulmate, you know, like life changing.

Like it's okay to have people that I
see once a month and play D&D with, you

know, maybe that's, that's the connection
that I'm lacking, um, and will perhaps

find and report back and tell you the
good, the bad, the embarrassing, the

ugly, and the wonderful, uh, someday
soon on future episode of ADHd20.

Matt: All right.

All right.


Alison: Frightening

Matt: Oh, man.


All right.

Alison: I think that's it.

I think that's, I think that's the show!

Matt: Yeah, I really can't.

I mean, you're, you're literally
leaving us on a cliff hanger.

I can't imagine, like, I can't
imagine how else to end it.

But thank you, uh, Mr.

Reinhardt for, for writing.

Thanks everybody for writing.

And thanks for caring
for listening to this.

Um, all y'all all my friends
and you know who you are.

This is a special thing for
me and, has gotten me through

some very tough weeks recently.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: Hooray for ADHd20?

Alison: It's been a
beautiful little sailboat...

Matt: Yes.

Alison: ...this week for
me, sailing me out of...

Matt: sailboat.

Alison: ...the yuck, get out of there.

Matt: Yeah, get out

Alison: yay.

Thanks Matt.

Thanks listeners of ADHd20
for being my sailboat.

Matt: Thanks everybody for sail boating.

Alison: Bye

We're still the worst at endings.

Matt: I don't know.

Sometimes it's easier than other times.

The One Where Ross Gets Eaten By an Owlbear
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