The Flirt and the Fanatic

Build your own John Hughes Movie Gang and figure out which roles you play, in life and in-game!

Matt: Alison, It's so interesting
to see you in my brother's office.

Alison: I know it's weird isn't it?

Matt: I'm like, Hmm.

Where, what is happening?

Alison: Just, we played some fruit basket
turnover with our locations this week.

So Evan, Evan won, Evan
got to go to Mexico.

Uh, I, I got, got to come to Atlanta.

Matt: Yes.

You got to Atlanta.

And then I will go to Atlanta.

where we will all win

Alison: Where it will be Castle
Birthday, Part Two: Electric Boogaloo.

Matt: Boogaloo except no
castle and no birthday.

Well, actually Evan's birthday.

Alison: Yeah.

We're gonna be celebrating him.

That feels pretty damn good to me.

Matt: Um, yeah.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Uh, it was my 10 year
anniversary yesterday.

That was fun.

Alison: That's pretty momentous for
anybody, but I feel like, especially

for somebody, with ADHD, for you to
latch onto something for 10 whole years.

Matt: You know, they say that if
you have ADHD in a marriage that

it is less likely to survive.

Alison: Aww!

Matt: And then if you are married
to a deaf person and you're hearing.

So in other words, like if, if you
marry someone who's ADHD and you

don't have ADHD, then it there's a
larger chance that you won't make it.

And also if you are deaf and with a
hearing person, it's more likely to,

but I think they cancel each out.

It's kind of

Alison: There it is

Matt: Like, um, when you get,

Alison: ...make a positive,

Matt: Well, I was gonna say two
advantages, uh, don't necessarily make

additional advantage, but definitely one
disadvantage and one advantage, cancel

Alison: Straight roll, straight roll.

Matt: And I'll say that, that I'm the
disadvantage and Lindsay's advantage.

Alison: You know, with, with
anybody else I might disagree,

but Lindsay Jean is pretty great.


Matt: I was waiting for you to disagree,
but it didn't come and that's okay.

I agree with your dis disagreeing.

Yeah, but it was, it was, it
was fun and we ha we're gonna

have a fancy dinner tonight.

And, uh, she, uh, she liked the poem
that I wrote and, uh, it's just nice.

It's nice.

Alison: And she gave you...

Matt: And she gave me
these beautiful dice.

So the, the three things that, that
are supposed to be 10 year anniversary

gifts are tin, T-I-N, tin for 10.

That's weird.

I just thought of that.

Uh, daffodils and diamonds.

We don't care about diamonds at all.

We're not diamonds people,
so we don't care about that.

Tin is fine, weird, weird, but she
gave me, uh, A set of dice that

have little daffodils inside them.

So cute.

Alison: I love that so much.

Matt: I know.

So fun.

Alison: Did, did you think
that 10 years ago, A.

You'd be standing here still
married, still wildly in love,

even more now than before.

And 2.

that she'd be giving you Dungeons
& Dragons things for the games that you play

multiple times a week, whod've thunk it?

Matt: Yeah.

The poem that I wrote was about
the fact that, that when we got

married 10 years ago everyone was
like, oh, marriage is so hard.

It's so much work.

And like, so we never believed in it.

Like we weren't going to get married.

We weren't going to, uh, which is fine.

That's totally valid.

It's a valid choice.

And, uh, and yet we did, we
just like, okay, let's try it.

But we, we tried it with the stipulation
that we would check in after 10 years.

And if both parties agreed that
it was a favorable partnership,

then we would extend the contract
for another 5 or 10 years.

We, we thought we were being
so smart and so hip to do that.

And so the poem was all about, God,
what an idiot, what an idiot I was.

Alison: So are you gonna have to go
back through this every 10 years or,

or now are we just good moving forward?

Like you've just accepted that you were
meant for each other and better together.

Matt: That's it.

Of course that's ridiculous how
foolish we were to think that.

And there's no one in the world that
I'd ever wanna be married to beyond her.



That's true.

Alison: So we won't have to worry
about this check-in when we're

celebrating ADHd20's 10 year
birthday Matt and Lindsay's 20 year

anniversary is what you're telling me.

Matt: I hope not.

You know?

I mean I think it's okay to
be a realistic person though.

I don't think you necessarily
have to go pessimism, but...

I just know that life is full of changes
and ups and downs and all kinds of things.

But I think that if, it's just
that when you find somebody that

makes, makes life easier, right?

For a lot of people,
marriage is difficult.

They don't like it.

It's fine.

That's that they try it.

It doesn't work.

There's no shame in that either.

There's not, you're a human being.

Life does throw you a
bunch of stuff, right?

Like that's, it's not fair to
say I'm never gonna do this.


But it has been the opposite, like.

It is very easy with Lindsay.

And again, I'm not saying that's
the way for everybody, but it's very

easy for us and she makes it easier.

Alison: I was just gonna say, because I
only know you as part of Matt and Lindsay,

like, I didn't really know the, before
Lindsay Matt, so of course I'm over here.

Like, well, duh, everything that you're
saying is apparent obvious, but you had

lived a lot of life before you, you know,
decided to lock it down with Lindsay.

Matt: This is most
definitely the better Matt.

This is, this is the best, best version.

I'm not gonna say that I as an
asshole necessarily before her, but

I'm a much better person and I, and
I try to be a much better person.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: Anyway, we're going to
a fancy dinner tonight and.

Uh, I'm psyched.

Alison: So not pizza on a Friday.

Matt: No, not pizza this, Friday.

Unless they do some sort
of deconstructed pizza.

Alison: All right.

I, this is shocking, but you know,
your Friday night hyper fixation

meal is not on for the night.

And, uh, so I'm, here's, here's what
I don't normally have pizza on Friday.

I normally have pizza on Tuesday
when I play trivia and my favorite

pizza place delivers to the bar where
I play that's my hyper fixation,

but I didn't do that this week.

So I'll have pizza tonight
in your and Lindsay's honor.

Matt: So thank you, Alison.

Alison: There it is.

Matt: That's perfect.

Alison: The circle of
friendship continues.

Matt: That's what friends are for!

Alison: Yep.

Why are we the way that we

Matt: I don't know, man.

I was just thinking the same thing.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Um, so how are you?

Alison: I'm good.

Matt: Okay, good.

Alison: I'm in Atlanta.

I am hanging with, with, uh, some,
some Biv pets, two, two cats and a dog.

I get to see my parents tomorrow cuz they
are, they live in Birmingham, Alabama.

So they're gonna drive the
two hours over to see me.

Matt: Joanne.

And uh, not David.

Alison: Yeah,

Matt: It is David.



I did it.


Alison: Yay.

Um, and then next week I get to see you
and Fitz there's our Fitz mention for the

Matt: There's a Fitz mention, check, ding!

We should have like a, oh,
not, that's not the right one.

There it is.


Alison: That's Fitz effect.

Matt: Yeah.

The Fitz Effect..

Alison: It's perfect.

It's beautiful.

It's inspired.

Matt: That's better
than the record scratch.

Alison: Yeah.


Matt: So weird.

Alison: You wanna, uh,
you wanna roll some d100s?

Matt: Yes, man.


Alison: Let's do it!

All right.



all, all.






You wanna tell me your number?

Matt: My number is my number is 71.

Alison: Um, oh, I'm so happy to ask
you this question, cuz it feeds into

something that we've talked about
multiple times now on this very podcast.

Matt: Yes.

Alison: What is the most likely
thing to distract you during

combat when it isn't your turn?

Matt: Um, my own, my own stuff.

Like, I, I feel like so Evan, my brother
really never plays, spell casters.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: And I, I like a mix.

I like spells.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: There are a lot of spells and
because I don't play as much as I DM.

I don't really know what the spells do.

I really don't know what they do.

I'm always having to ask
y'all what does that do again?

What does that, I have no idea.

I really like, I have not had the
sit down and study 5e spells thing,

so I kind of just spend all like
looking and reading all the spells

that I've haphazardly chosen.

And then someone's like,
um, alright Matt, your turn.

I'm like, damn it.

I have no idea.

So I would, is that a fair answer?


Alison: Yeah, you need to not, you
need to not play a character that

gets to pick spells daily, you know,
like don't, don't go druid or wizard

because then that's just gonna add
more chaos to an already fueled time.

Um, just make sure that you, you
know, play your little sorcerer.

You did bard, warlock, all those.

Matt: I got to, I got to
know, I got to know the bards.

I got to know Feilimid's
spells pretty well, but yeah.

Alison: I'm the opposite of Evan.

I only play casters.

Um, I will give the good
listeners of ADHd20 plus you

a little insider information.

I have decided on the next
character that I will roll up.

It is specifically not a caster.

Sounds really more like a fart than
a record scratch, but I digress.

Matt: Sorry.

Hands off, hands off the sound machines.


Alison: Um, I would like to
play, this is probably going

to surprise you an Echo Knight.

Matt: Oh, that does surprise me.

Alison: I decided I, I played a
one shot a couple weeks ago with

a Rune Knight and, and that took
me down a path of, of how are you

doing all of these wonderful things.

And then I just started, I got into like
my little hyper fixation hole, where

I started to read all the different
paths you can take as a fighter.

And I was like, why have I
been sleeping on Echo Knights?

So now I really wanna.

Yeah, well, I, you basically can, can
push a, a whisper of yourself and echo off

of your body and place it strategically
around in combat or otherwise.

Um, and do some pretty
tricked out stuff with it.

Matt: That's fun.

That's really fun.

Uh, I love it.

Uh, yes, your

Alison: I rolled a 50, 50 years old.

Matt: uh,

Alison: I'm a kick and stretch

Matt: And,

Alison: kick,

Matt: What movie have you
watched the most times?

Alison: Probably Monty Python and
the Holy Grail, followed closely

by 10 Things I Hate About You.

Matt: I don't think I
knew about those things.

I don't think I knew
that at all about you.

I would've chosen a Disney movie.

Alison: Um, I mean, if we count like
all the times as a child, I probably

watched The Little Mermaid, but
Disney movies now, like I'll watch

'em once some of the really good ones,
like I think I watched Moana, uh,

three or four times maybe, but no.

Monty Python is one I can
turn on anytime, anywhere.

I have most of it memorized.

Um, mm-hmm, , that's
been my favorite movie.

Since like junior high.

Matt: Wow.



That is interesting.

I did not know that.

Alison: I'm like an onion.

You gotta peel those layers back.

Matt: True.

It is so true.


I love it.

Well, what are we talking?

What are we?

Yeah, what are we gonna talk about today?

Alison: What kind of topics do we like?

Um, so , it was funny cuz Matt
and I were trying to decide if

we should do a podcast today.

And I said, well, do we, do we
have anything to talk about?

And he was like, well, one, we
always have something to talk

Matt: Yeah, we do.

Alison: Two, we have this list
that we've been maintaining of, you

know, things that have either fallen
off of our radar from our outlines

or just, oh, this is a good idea.

We should do this.

And I tell you what, it was another
example of object permanence in my life.

Because as we pulled up this list
that we ourselves with our own little

fingertips tipity type type tapped, it
was like a brand new discovery as we went

through this list, which is ridiculous.

Matt: it's

Alison: Um, I love it.

I love it.

Uh, a good kind of ridiculous.

So what we selected today, Is, uh,
building on building your perfect party.

We thought it would be cool to talk
up through the, the stereotypes that are

in most given groups of friends and, and
think about how, you know, Matt and I have

have hand selected, have chosen people
to be in our camp and to fight through

this maze called life with each of us.

Um, you know, because of something
that they brought to the table

that stood out to us that made us
say, yes, you can be in my party.

Matt: How do we go about doing this?

I love this idea.

Um, build your perfect party
of, let's say four adventurers.

Name those classes.

Do we roll initiative
to see who goes first?

I don't know.

Cause I

Alison: I mean,

Matt: know.

Alison: always, I always
want to roll initiative.

Well, and it's interesting because
I've had people, you know, who hear

me talk on and on and on about D&D
and they wanna play, or they're

gonna play their first game and they
always wanna know where to start.

And so first of all, read through
all of the different classes and

just see if anything calls to you,
which is what I did the very first

time we decided we were gonna play.

I read through and Sorcerer
immediately stood out to me.

There was nothing else I wanted to do.

Um, but then, you know, other people will
read through and there might be two, three

things, you know, calling out to them.

And so then I say, well, check in
with who you're gonna be playing with,

cuz you want a balanced party, right?

If everybody is a caster and you have no
muscle up front to slam baddies into the

ground, that's not very helpful, is it?

Or if everybody's a barbarian, you might
need people to stand more to distance

and you know, buff and stuff like that.

Side note.

We did recently do with Tey
a barbarian only one shot.

Matt: Ooh.

Alison: And it was so ridiculous.

Amazing, fun.


So for one shots and things like that,
you could absolutely all play the same

thing, but if we're talking campaign,
you might wanna balance your efforts.

So that was the spirit in which we thought
about having this topic was like, who, who

do you want to go on an adventure with?

What are we rolling initiative for?

Rolling initiative.

Matt: I don't know.

Alison: What'd you get?

Matt: I got an 11.

Alison: I got a 16.

Matt: Nice.

Well, just thinking like, if,
who would want to go first about

describing the perfect party, right.

And then, then what we're talking about
doing is translating that into life.

So, there are some basic guidelines
that you just went over, which

is you want to have a balance.

And that usually kind of touches
on the four original classes.

But I, I feel like you
could be a magic user.

That's what they were called.



I mean, you can also kind of think
of any, any group, which is what we're

doing today, which is like, you know,
The Breakfast Club, Friends, like all

the different personalities together.

But a fighter for, for like raw protection
and they call them a tank, sometimes.

Some fighters are a tank, meaning
like they can take the damage.

You've got usually somebody in
the back that has, that is good

at throwing things in combat.

You've got a sneaky person that
would be a, that would be a thief.

And then you've got someone who has magic
and then a healer is the kind of the,

the other archetype that you want to.

So healer, thief, magic
user and fighter basically.


But you are saying even more
specifically, what are those classes?

What specifically do you want?

And so you won initiative, so you get
to choose, uh, four adventurers that you

would have, that you would put together in

Alison: So I've already spilled the
beans on that, that I'm probably

gonna choose some kind of a caster.

So in all of the, um, casters I've
played, I've been a sorcerer twice.

I've been a druid once.

I haven't yet touched wizard or warlock.

I don't know why, I've seen wizards
role played exceptionally well.

That just intimidates me to have to be
the smartest one in the party to come

up with all of the, the brilliant plans.

I'm, I'm more of an
enforcer than a thinker.


What about you?

Matt: I am often drawn to a
warlock, because I, like, I like

the idea of the communication
with the being and I like it.

I like it on a more secular level.


Like I, the, the warlocks are
not, they are not priests.

They're not clerics.


They are chosen by this force
to be an avatar of sorts.

I like that element of darkness in there.

Little bit of little of like,
is it, what am I talking to?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?


Alison: Yeah, you, you do love
a, a chosen one storyline.

Don't you?

Matt: I do love a chosen
one storyline man.

I really do.

Uh, okay.

So yes.

Uh, you, you specifically,
number one, you choose sorcerer.

What else?

Alison: So I guess, do you just kind
of wanna keep going through this in,

in kind of groups that make sense?

So like we could, we could
talk about the healers.

Most people think of the, the cleric
role when they talk about the healer.

Um, but bards, druids, even paladins, um,
are all, uh, healers in their own way.

So we'll for the class that we'll
call the healers, we'll go how

his bard cleric and druid sound?

Now Evan loves to rain
down some Druid hate.

And the reason he does is he
calls them OP or overpowered.

Matt: Yeah.

Alison: He thinks that mechanically, they
don't fit with a lot of other parties.

As someone who now plays a druid,
yes, there are big beefy, crazy

things that I get to do as a druid.

Matt: Yeah.

Alison: There are also limitations.

So druids as the name might suggest,
draw their power from nature,

um, from the world around them.

So while druids can heal and while their
spells do tend to be really fantastic

areas of effect they can also sometimes
be a little bit of one trick ponies.

You know, I've, I've run into battles
before where, you know, if I'm not set up

in exactly the right way to, to pop off
a spell, I'm pretty freaking worthless.

And I didn't realize this was the
case until, uh, in our Thursday

night game where I play a druid, we
did a player versus player battle.

Um, and Fitz's character.

I am still bitter about this,
who is a monk cleric multi-class.

Kicked my druid's ass, I mean, to a
bloody, pummeled into the ground pulp.

And there was nothing I could do about
it and that's, that's my argument

for why I don't think that they're
overpowered, cuz as far as druids go,

we don't, you know, we get one attack.

So you're gonna cast the spell.

We don't have a lot in the way
of bonus actions and reactions.

And those are all the things that
make a complete player, right?

So maybe you are, you know, you can
attack twice or maybe you just have

some wicked bonus action or if you're
a monk, which we'll get to in a minute,

you have ki points that you can spend
for extra, you know, ways to deal and

buff and just all these different things.

Whereas druids, you're gonna cast a
spell if you hit with it, it's going

to cause a lot of damage to the end.

So that's my soapbox on druids.

Matt: There is one thing
though that I'm not as into,

and it's the wild shape thing.

I'm not into it.

To me that is overpower because it
is an inherent ability of druids

to take the form of another animal.

I wish that it was just a spell.

That was, that came in their list of
spells available to them just because

it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

It really just doesn't make sense.

Just to turn into an
animal is always weird.

And the problem is, is that they
can turn into an animal and then

they could get beaten up to a
pulp and they could actually die.

And then they come back as druid.

And they're kind of back
to normal in a lot of ways.

Like, so it's like, it's kind of
like having two characters or a

bunch of extra hit points, which

Alison: So here's object
permanence in play once again.

I specifically chose druid because we
were playing our very first campaign Fitz

played a druid, and she was a specific
subclass circle of the moon where she

could wild shape as a bonus action.

And she could also wild shape into
very, very, very beefy animals.

So I chose druid thinking, oh
my God, I'm gonna wild shape all

the time and Fitz had warned me.

It's basically, it's like you
just said, it's a meat suit.

So, because druids tend
to be squishier builds.

They're not the tanks.

Um, and so I would, I was like,
I'm gonna do this all the time.

I never wild shape as a druid, I
can count on one hand the number

of times that I've done it.

Um, one, I forget about it.

It's just, you know, woo doesn't exist.

Um, and two.

Because I'm circle of the land, druid.

I have to use my entire action to do it.

So I have to waste a turn and
I don't get, I don't get cool.

You know, I could go like brown
bear, you know, or something like

that and get additional hit points.

But usually their AC their
armor class is pretty low.

Like, so it's just not
worth wasting a whole turn.

So I could maul something
for a couple turns.

And then to your point, be poofed
back, um, checks and balances, man.

So that's druids, that's way too
long spent on druid's, but it

Matt: Sorry.

Yeah, we've got, we've got a
sorcerer and we've got a druid.

What else?

Alison: So now we'll kind of
move into the, you know, some of

the fighter classes, um, which I
guess is really everybody else.

So we've got barbarian, we've got fighter.

We've got monk.

We've got Paladin.

We've got ranger, we've got rogue.

Ranger and rogue are kind of
in their own little worlds.

Matt: I mean, they, I, I would say
that they're the sneaky they're they?

Fourth they're the
fourth archetype, right?

There's the fourth,
the, the sneakier ones.

I think bards could also fall
into more of a thiefy thing.

The bards are kind of like jack
of all trades master of none.

And that's the point,

Alison: Bards, man.

You get made fun of the most when you're
a bard, both party and at a party.

I remember I was at a real life party
and was talking D&D with some guys there.

And they were like, oh
yeah, what do you play?

And I said, Bard and they were
like, yeah, of course you do.

Like people are so
judgemental of bards anyways.

Um, full of tangents today.


So I love a paladin.

I love a paladin.

It's one of my, that's one of my
favorite classes to play, actually.

Cuz see, I think paladins are
OP AF like if, if you wanna

have a fight about something.

Because they have spells that they can
cast, but because they're a fighter

class by a certain level, they're
gonna get multi attack and then

they can use their bonus actions to
put even more like ass kickery into

whatever it is that they hit with.

Like so they can get a obscene number.

Uh it's it's I mean, they are,
they are the Hulk smash for sure.

So if I'm gonna choose a tank, I'm
probably gonna choose a paladin

over a barbarian or a fighter.

Matt: One thing that I deeply
love about 5e is that they

changed the rules over the years.

Originally, paladins
were only lawful good.

They were only good guys, or they could
be anti-paladins, which were only evil.

And, and I love how they've just
softened on that whole thing to where

it's not about being good or bad.

It's about paladins are basically
the obsessive compulsives right.

They are the ones that are just
so hyper focused on something

that gives them a reason to live.

it doesn't, it has nothing
to do with being good or bad.

So I love, I love that.

And so yeah, I agree.

Paladins are amazing.


Alison: And I think that they're
one of the most underrated classes.

I think when people like, think of D&D
they don't immediately think of paladins.


Alright, so I've got sorcerer,
I've got druid, I've got paladin.

The one I am never,
ever drawn to is ranger.

So they're just automatically
kicked off my list.

Um, it would probably be rogue.

Because rogues are just, they're
so versatile and there's so

many different ways that you can
flavor a rogue and they're equally

beneficial, both in and out of combat.

Like if your party has a rogue you're
gonna be doing and coming up with cool

things in all of your role playing, not
just when you're rolling initiative.

Matt: Okay.

All right.

My turn, I guess.

Alison: Yeah.

Matt: All right.

So I think warlock for me would be
the magic user, be the spellcaster.

I also love this concept of that.

They're not fighters, but
they, they're charismatic.

They don't have like the list of spells
isn't as large for them, but they have a

few like built in cool kind of combat-y
things that I always think of fun.

Alison: Mm.

Matt: I am going to choose
the much aligned bard.

And I, I choose bard because I am
Jack of all trades, master of none.

That's my life.

I get it.

It feels correct.

So probably I would end up being
the bard in this group but like

the bard can heal and the bard
can sneak and the bard can fight.

I would almost argue that if there
was an OP class, it might be bard

because it's just so many directions
which is actually kind of cool because

it didn't even exist originally.


The, the idea of a traveling
minstrel that has, uh, a focus.

Minstrel doesn't have to be music.

It could be, you know, theater or,
or poetry or something, but some

kind of artist that then takes
that art can channel it into a

magical thing, which is amazing.

What are you laughing at?

Oh God.

Alison: The bard is the ultimate hipster.

Of course you would choose that!

You're sitting here talking
about all the different artisanal

things that the bard does!

Matt: Oh no, no.

Alison: and before anybody did them here,

Matt: Why Cthulu?

Um, yeah, I guess you're right.

That's fine.

I get it.

It's fun.

Um, alright, I'm gonna keep
going down a path of, oddity.

I'm gonna go ranger.

Alison: Interesting.

Matt: I'll tell you why.

And I, I agreed.

I, I thought that I had
agreed with you before.

I think that the original 5e from the
player's handbook was definitely not

much to talk about, but I think in
subsequent additions to the game, uh,

I think the ranger, you could build
a really, really interesting, cool

character that is, good with a, a
sword is great, with a bow and arrow.

Has the kind of, a lot of the necessary
nature things that a druid would give you.

Tracking and some of
the roguey sneaky stuff.


Every single one of these so far is like,
just sort of middle of the road, very...

I like the idea of characters
that, of classes that just

kind of can jump to different,

Alison: So while while the rest of
us are out here trying to pick out

like a balanced party, you are trying
to pick out party members that are

balanced is what you're telling me.

Matt: Yes, I think so.

I think so.

And isn't that interesting?

And I love that that is a difference
of us because what do you think

would be the last one in that case?

Alison: Uh, I, Hmm.

Matt: I'll give you a hand.

These are, these are all characters
that I'm, that I'm drawn to, to

play when I very rarely play, but.

Alison: Okay.

So then what were gonna be, my
choices wouldn't make sense there.

What, the only other one that
you've played with me is wizard.

Matt: An artificer.

Artificer is, is a kind of new class
and I, I mean, just, I'm always gonna

go there because it is this really
fascinating class that combines technology

and magic and fighting ability and
Iron Man's armor and, uh, tinkerers.

And so, yeah.


Alison: I'm sitting here staring
at the list of 12 that I made

and it's not on that list.

So therefore it did not
exist to me at that moment.

But you're totally right.

You are absolutely in real life,
the artificer of the group, you,

you have played an artificer
and brilliantly might I add?


So that makes perfect sense that you were
drawn to that one to round out your party.

Matt: That party that I just described,
those four people, the artificer, the

warlock, the ranger, and the bard that
I wanna play that so bad right now.

I wanna see, I wanna see that adventure
unfold because what a fascinating...

they've all got their own weird things.

Like the bard would be obsessed
with whatever their art is.

The, the ranger is obsessed with nature.

Probably the warlock is obsessed with
whatever thing is talking to them.

And then the artificer is obsessed
with all of its little gear,

Alison: What it's trying to build
what it wants to tinker with.

Matt: So much drama, so
much drama possible at that.

So, so much role playing
ability, but we would probably

get creamed in most combats.

You're right.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: That's me.


So that is our, that is our
perfect parties, which I think

are both extremely valid.

And then how do you
translate that into life?

Who is in your party?

What are their roles?

Alison: So do you want me to
read through the, the kind of

stereotypes that I came up with?

Matt: Love that.

Alison: This is purely subjective,
but, um, this is what I called them.

We'll, we'll kind of dash through
this and, and talk through

what some of these might mean.

So in most friend groups,
you have The Party Animal.

So the person who is just hyper-focused
a lot of time on, you know, not here

for a long time, but a good time.

I feel like every friend group has
what I have called The Eeyore, the, the

pessimist, the Negative Nancy, just the
one who is constantly shooting stuff down.

Um, we have The Class Clown.

We have The Hot Mess Express.

The one whose life is just never
together, whether they're like having

to bum money or rides or, you know,
like need to call you at 8:00 AM, cuz

their relationship just fell apart.

We all have 'em we all love them.

Uh, we have The Caretaker,
which is the group mom or dad.

So the one that carries the big bag
and always has whatever you need in it.

And is, you know, kind of the first
one that you call in a crisis.

We have The Artistic One, right?

Every friend group has somebody
who's just ridiculously good

at something or lots of things.

Um, the next one I've called
The Communications Director.

They're usually the ones who started the
group and who are the ones that are like

responsible for starting the group text.

Where are we having dinner?

What are we doing?

These are the ideas, things like that.

Um, you can guess which one, I think you
are, there's one called The Techy One,

which is just, they're always on the
forefront of whatever is new and sexy.

Um, you have The Floater or the absent
one who like you see 'em when you

see 'em and sometimes you don't see
'em for a, a long, long period of

time and they seem great with that.

Um, you have The Flirt, um, someone
who's just always head over heels

for somebody and probably a different
one every time you talk to them.

Matt: Yeah.

Alison: You have The Oracle, which is
who you go to for the sage wisdom and

advice, your unofficial life coach.

Matt: The Old Soul.

Alison: Yeah, the old soul.

And for the last one, I kind of went back
and forth like, you know, cuz we have

very stereotypical ones like the jock.

And so I think The Fanatic can
kind of fit a lot of those roles.

So somebody who is deep into
whatever their thing is, whether

it's something that they enjoy from
the sidelines or actually actively

participating in themselves.

Matt: Interesting.

Alison: So that according to Alison
are the 12 friend group stereotypes

Matt: You are incredibly good at this.

When is your reboot of any of,
uh, John Hughes movies coming out?

Alison: Oh my God.

Other than playing Dungeons & Dragons,
you've like tapped into one of the only

other things I would rather be doing.

If I could do anything.

So, I mean, I think you were even kind of
doing this, whether you meant to do it.

Matt: I know I noticed that!

Alison: As you were like talking through,
you know, the different D&D classes,

cuz you know, like, you know, the
barbarian could be The Fanatic, right?

Like they could be the ones of just are.

Matt: Or the paladin.

Alison: Or the paladin who are, you
know, tunnel vision about the things.

The artificer is I think The Techy One,
um, you know, I think, I think that the

Bard, the bard could be a lot of these
things, which is exactly what you were

saying about the bard, because they're
so, you know, multi talented, they could

be The Artistic One, but they could also
be The Communications Director, the ones

that started all, they could be The Flirt.

Um, yeah.

So these, these could all go.

So we're not

Matt: The Class

Alison: like,

Matt: You've this is, this is amazing.

I love this.

Oh my gosh.

I love this.

Alison: I, I tend to think of the rogue
as The Class Clown, but that may be

just cuz of the way I play my rogue.

So I could be in very
like tunnel vision there.

I mean, we have the 12
friend group stereotypes.

We have the 12 D&D classes.

There's a bunch of different
ways that these could be played.

I'm thinking about my major friend group
in Charlotte and checking off all of these

boxes and how, how we all came together.

But then I'm even thinking about like
you and me and Evan and Fitz and like

our little, you know, uh, IRL D&D
party, like which roles we all fit into.

Matt: So what's your party.

Alison: What is my party?

Why don't you go first this time.

Matt: All right.

Alison: about it?

Matt: Yeah.

I'll tell you what I would not take,
but I have in, in my life, which

is I've, I've really worked hard to
kind of not invite this one to the

party as much is The Hot Mess Express.

That used to be my go-to.

There was always a Hot Mess Express.

I was either dating them or they were
around, or I craved the chaos, the crazy

making that they brought to my life.

Alison: But you, know that I
am the Hot Mess Express, right?

Matt: No, no, no, definitely not.

no, no.

I'm talking about real hot mess.

I mean like, like making things difficult
for everyone all the time and I've had a

lot, I've had a lot of friends like that.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: So my four would be The Caretaker.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: Cuz I, I do, I do find that that
whether or not you agree with why their

caretaking, they do come in handy.

The Techy One of course.

I mean, you're right.

I currently in my life time, I
would probably be The Techy One

more now than maybe in the past,
but definitely The Techy One.

Uh, I like the idea of
having The Flirt though.

And I'm talking functionality wise, right?

Like I'm talking like I like
the idea of having somebody that

has that ability, that power of
charm that they could utilize.

I think that's, I think that's important
in a friend group, especially again,

if they're on your side, right?


All these people.

If they're, if, if we are friends
and we're working together,

I think that's important.

So Techy One, Flirt, Caretaker.

And then I like maybe
the Oracle, I don't know.

Uh, but I ironically I need
The Communications Director

in my life, so, okay.

I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna back away from
Oracle again, trying to be me in 2022.

Let's go with those four.

Alison: Interestingly enough...

I, I, I thought you were gonna say
The Artistic One, which if I had to

look down this list and pick four for
you, I think that you might be in my

life, The Techy One, The Caretaker,
The Flirty One and The Artistic One.

Matt: Interesting.

Alison: And flirty one, just in terms
of like being a romantic about life.

Like it doesn't necessarily,
you know, like, but those are

probably some of the qualities I
would align most with who you are.

And I, I think that's a good thing
to, you know, kind of know yourself

and choose things that jive well.

Matt: I mean, that's the beauty of
this list is that many of them apply

to all of us at different times.


I have been The Hot Mess Express.

Uh, we all have been, um, there's
some that I have never been.

I don't think I've ever
been much of an Oracle.

Well, that's not true.

Maybe I

Alison: I don't.

Yeah, I, I come to you
for advice all the time.

Matt: That's true.

Maybe not The Fanatic.

That might be the one where I don't.

I'm not, I'm not a good fanatic.

I'm a fan, but I'm never.

I never take it to the level
that sometimes you need to go and

definitely not The Party Animal.

I've never been that, but
what's The Eeyore again?

Alison: Uh, the pessimist, the negative
one, I, I feel like every friend group has

Matt: do

Alison: And a Hot Mess Express because
I think that those types are pulled

into the orbit of everybody else.

They know that they need the balance.

They know that they need
the flip side of the coin.

And so everybody has them,
everybody loves them.

They're endearing in many ways.

And in other ways, you just roll your
eyes and go, oh geez, here they go.


I, I have definitely been The
Hot Mess Express and still might

be in some of my friend groups.

We'll see.

Matt: Okay.

So what are your four.

Alison: So I think that my four would
be, uh, definitely The Oracle is the

first one that I'm absolutely grabbing.

Um, The Caretaker is the next
one that is an easy grab for me.

From here it gets a lot harder.

I love The Class Clown.

you gotta keep it funny.

You gotta keep it light.

So I think I'm between The Class
Clown, The Artistic One, and honestly

The Fanatic, cuz I, as a fanatic
type, I love making friendships with

people who are that level with me.

We are fanatics for D&D together that
makes our friendship, you know, so.


So what did I

Matt: but

Alison: So

Matt: But you are even more of a
fanatic than I am about D&D that's.

You just are able to take
it to the level that I

Alison: The next level.

Okay, so what did I say for sure?

I said The Oracle and The
Caretaker are the, for sure ones.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Alison: Um, man, I love The Artistic
One so much, but it's like, I don't

need them to function cuz I'm gonna
be able to find them anywhere.

Um, so I guess I will take The
Class Clown and The Fanatic.

Matt: I like it.

I like it.

And looking at this list, I just love,
I love looking at them and realizing

what 20 year old, 30 year old Matt
would pick and you know what, 50 year

old Matt picks, because it is very
different and I'm proud of myself.

Not that any of them are bad.

I, I think it's just growing, but I, I
think that 20 year old Matt would, would

look at my current list and I go, no way,
man, you gotta have The Artistic One.

You gotta.

Alison: Mm-hmm mm-hmm

Matt: And ironically, we're usually
trying to tie D&D into ADHD talk.

Let me try to do the opposite
this time, cuz it's D&D all

the time, which I also love.

I'm not afraid of that, but, uh, I would
also say that my current list is based

on what I've learned about ADHD for me.

Um, Communications Director
being a big one, right?

Uh, eschewing The Hot Mess Express very
much used to be an ADHD thing for me.

Had to be.

I don't even know.

I have no proof of that.

I'm sure that that's why I was
drawn to the chaos and the fun.

and the,

Alison: I think The Hot Mess Express
is definitely the wild magic sorcerer.

Just thrives on chaos.

Matt: Yeah.


And it's funny, like we're always
gonna see ourselves as one more than

the other, I don't, I just, and I
mean this as a compliment, I don't

see you as a Hot Mess Express because
I've experienced hot mess express

on a level that is crippling, right.

Like for me.

Alison: Mm-hmm

Matt: And I, I would not in any way
say that that is for you, that you

are not, you are not crippling to me.

Alison: Oh, good.

I'm so.

I love you too.

Matt: Yeah.

What a fun freaking thing this is.

Hey everybody, try this at home.

Alison: I now want to issue a challenge
to every listener, which is to go

like, don't hyper obsess with this,
the way that I do about some things.

But like either based on what we've shared
or just the lightest amount of light

internet reading, what, what, what class
would you be, you know, drawn to play?

Um, or if you already play, what, class
are you most often drawn to play?

Matt: Uh, well, Alison,
this was really great.

I think, I think this was really fun.

Alison: I'm so glad we take notes.

Otherwise we would be very lost week to

Matt: We'd be lost.

I know.

That's okay.

I like that this was a D&D focused,
episode, because, you know, there's,

there's, there's some people
listening that also like that.

And, and also I think this is fun
because that's, that is something that

we get a lot, which is I don't get it.

I don't understand what, what is it?

I don't get this game.

What I don't understand, you know?

Uh, and I understand your confusion,
like I, as you were talking about,

you know, reading the descriptions
of character classes, I'm like,

whoa, that does sound complicated.

Like you have to learn.

It really is the stuff to study.

Alison: Listen, if you don't
wanna read, if you don't wanna

Google something and that's fine.

Get in touch with me
and we'll have a fiver.

Matt: Yes, let's have a fiver.

Send you a Marco Polo and we
will get you up to speed.

One thing that I've been trying to do
is get Lindsay in some way, just into

this world of role playing just so
she gets an idea and it's I bought a

board game, The Legend of Drizzt.

And it is like little bits of D&D
fourth edition, but still, and, and

it kind of like, you have to kind of
have a character and play a character.

So I thought, I don't know.

That could be really fun.

And then, you know, see,
see if she likes that.

report back on that.

Alison: Are you gonna loan
her a set of of your dice?


Matt: Sure, yeah, sure.

Alison: Wow, this is getting serious.

Matt: I know.

I know.

I know.

I really have all these
feelings for her and I just

Alison: I think you might
really like this girl.

Matt: It's a really big step.

I don't know, like.

Alison: Can you imagine if you know,
at the altar you've been like and babe,

on our 10 year anniversary, I'm gonna
let you roll with my Dungeons & Dragons

Matt: Let you use my dice gonna let you

Alison: Ooh, that sounds...

Well on that note.

Thanks for

Matt: note.


Thanks everybody!

We have a Patreon.

If you would like to
join it, it's really fun.

It's growing.

We're using that Discord community now.

It is so fun.

Alison: Sweet, sweet Discord.


Shout out to Tey and to Seth
and to Fitz who all just dove on

into, to Discord with us this week
and got good and nerdy talking

Matt: oh man.

Alison: Foes and otherwise.

Matt: So fun.

So, you know, if you wanna do that, we'd,
we'd love it, but absolutely no presh.

And until next week or whenever?

Alison: Well I'll, I'll see you in a week.

Uh, and we'll, we'll, we'll talk to all
the rest of you guys the week after that.

Matt: Love it.


Alison: Yay.

Matt: am the Tech One.

The Tech One.

The Flirt and the Fanatic
Broadcast by