An ADHd20 Primer

Matt: Let's let's just see what happens.

You know, Alison, this is what I'm
considering the Session Zero of ADHd20.

We're testing things out.

We're trying to introduce ourselves.

We're trying to understand
the milieu, the campaign.

Alison: To that effect.

I don't know if you do, but I have a d20.

Ready to go.

Matt: dang.

Alison: Should we have to
like roll off for anything?

Matt: Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.


Alison: Not to put pressure!

Matt: No, I love it so much . Listen.

Oh, yeah, that's right there.

Alison: So here's what I propose.

I think you should give like the
quick little elevator pitch and

then let's have a roll off to see
who goes first and introductions.

Matt: Gosh, you've already come up
with a fun way and implemented it.

I love it.


Alison: Let's go.

Matt: So.

Welcome to ADHd20.

It is a podcast that we're, you
know, we're kind of gonna feel out.

And why are we going to
sort of feel out what it is?

Well, the idea came to me, number one,
because I play Dungeons & Dragons.

My friend Alison plays Dungeons & Dragons.

And we work together and the two
of us both have ADHD and that's

just kind of the way that we live.

We're gonna figure out how those
two great tastes tastes together.

I expect there will be talk some weeks
about ADHD and then more about D&D.

You know, kind of, depending
on how we're feeling.

And then of course having ADHD,
we're going to probably you

know, also throw the script away.

And talk about whatever else.

So one of the best things about this
podcast for me, has been to get to know,

uh, what it's like to be ADHD, even if
I've lived with it all my life, just kind

of to be able to put names to symptoms.

And I know that that
sounds strange to say.

There's, there's such a freedom to
like, go on the internet and look

up time blindness, or executive
dysfunction and to go, Oh, right.

So there are some in particular that
sound so cool, that I was like, Hmm,

what if, what if you created spells
in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons

5e named after symptoms of ADHD.

Alison: I love it.

Matt: Because like I said, there
is a symptom called Time Blindness.

It's a real thing and it's, uh, I don't, I
don't think they know exactly what it is,

but it's, there's something missing in my
brain where, especially if Hyperfocus is

involved, and that's another spell name, I
just always think that I have enough time.

However, there's also this, symptom,
if you will, where you will start

something and you will get so sucked
into it that you can't get out of it,

which isn't also part of time blindness.


They all kind of, do that dance,
together, with their snappy

names to turn into spells for
Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition.

Alison: So what was interesting to me
about this is I started this exercise

of if I were going to create Dungeons
& Dragons spells out of the tenets of

ADHD, First I went to all the bad places
I to, you know, distraction and getting

in my own way and impulse, so then I
was like, Let me, let just, step out

of, you know, my perspective right now
and, and replant myself somewhere else.

What would be some of
the, like the buff spells?

What would be some of the good parts

So, um, so yeah, so I don't know,
do you wanna read your list?

I can read my list and then we
can pick a couple that we wanna

Matt: Yeah, sure.

Alison: into?

Matt: Yeah.

let's do one.


So I've got Time Blindness:
range 60 feet duration, one turn.

Uh, and it's a targeted
spell, Time Blindness.

And when you cast time blindness
onto a target, the target is

given a wisdom saving throw.

So, in other words, for those who don't
know what that means, this is a spell

that you can resist if cast on you.

But if they fail, they immediately lose
all concept of their placement in time.

Any time based action they're preparing,
combat, movement, et cetera, cannot

be completed on their next turn.

So with Time Blindness, I kind of
took it into a space where it's like,

basically, you lose your turn, right?

They just get so, confused in
time that they have to wait

for the whole turn to go.

So that's what Time
Blindness felt like to me.

Uh, so yeah, tell me about Impulse?

Alison: So one of the things that
makes Sorcerers special is they

have, this font of sorcery points
that they get to choose at various

levels what their sorcerery points do.

So Cast on Impulse, I thought maybe could
like quicken the casting time somehow.

Um, especially if it's like casting
time of, you know, ritual spells or

ones that have a one minute casting
time as opposed to a single action just

to kind of get that spell out quicker.

And then I called one Spontaneous
Performance because I do think

that sometimes we can just
kind of blurt things out.

In D&D you know, sometimes you have to
give what's called a performance check,

uh, to see were you able to deceive
them or were you able to pull off.

So I, I wonder if Spontaneous
Performance could give you some kind

of special something to, make that
check happen a little easier for you.

Maybe just an advantage
on performance checks.

Matt: Hi, Alison.

Alison : Hi Matt.

Hi So excited.

Matt: I know we're super
psyched today because...

... Alison : we have our very first guest for

Matt: Doooooh!

That's amazing.

Yeah, it's our very first guest and he's
someone that we both respect so, so much.

He's an inspiration to us.

He is, a kind of a full time, game
master for you every Thursday night.

Alison : Living the dream.

That GMing for me is the dream, but
like being a full time Game Master.

Tey: It is.

That's how I, that's how
I'll introduce my voice.

Hi everyone.

I'm Alejandro Tey and I am living the
dream of being Alison's GM every Thursday.

That is the dream.

Matt: That's the perfect intro.

Um, Alison, you, you do have
some topics cuz otherwise we'll

just, we could just tangent for

Alison : Would be on
brand and I wouldn't mind.

Um, so in preparation for Tey coming,
one thing I have gotten to know

is that Tey loves a D100 table.

There are tables in all that we
do .Your wild magic surge table

is a thing of art and beauty.

So in that same spirit, I have finally
put together a D100 table, an ADHD100

table that will become, you know,
just like the outline, the thing

we'll probably forget about half the
time, but, you know, keep us honest.

And naturally it is not finished.

Cause why would I have
finished something I started?

But I'd also like for, to also
go ahead and roll some D100s so

we can break open this table.

Tey: I'm so I am so happy.

I am kid in a candy store right now.

Because the, Okay, so right before
we get into this, the reason why I

love random tables is because to me,
that's, that is the third element of

what makes a tabletop game so good.

And so juicy is you, have, your
players each coming to the table,

you have a mechanics system of some
kind that allows for, you know,

resolution of these narratives,
strings and conflicts or whatever.

And then you have random chance,
just random ass chance and the way

that can spur creativity and allow
stories to take new directions that

you did not conceive of in your mind.

It's fantastic.

Especially if you're in the GM
chair, you are naturally always

thinking a couple of steps ahead.

You're always thinking of like,
Okay, well, if they do this,

then probably will do this.

Even if you're a very fly by the
seat of your pants, improvisational

GM, which I am like, I do not don't
script anything ahead of time.

But when you roll it on a table, you can't
plan for that and you just have to react.

And that state of being of just
reacting is my favorite thing.

So that's a very long way
of saying I'm ready to roll.

Matt: So that is a big
word for me this year.


And I think at the very start
of this year, we just kind

of like sounded the call.

Alison: Nerd Horn.

Matt: Okay, that sounds weird.

What does the nerd horn sound like?

Or this.

Is that the nerd horn or
maybe is it both at time?

I don't know the nerd.

We, we sounded the nerd horn.

I'm gonna go with that.

I'm gonna "yes and" your nerd horn.

And I'm gonna say we sounded it and
people came and we went from like

zero to 60 for our Discord, which
it's just such a fun place to be.

Like I wanna just hang out with
people and talk about nerdy things like

TV and books and everybody it is so
interesting, they have such interesting

things to say and it's really fun.

So, um, this is a, an
unapologetic, nerd horn toot.

Alison: Oh, absolutely not.

Matt: Oh, whoops.

Alison: I hate that so

Matt: Yeah, that's, that's, a,
that's a, not even a working title.

That's a not happening title.

Anyway, so

Alison: Well, and, I wanna toot
our own nerd horn for a second.

Matt: Okay.

Alison: Oh no.

Matt: Yeah.

Oh, yes.

Alison: You know, we, give ourselves
a lot of shit for the thing.

Again, that place of lack, the
things that we don't get done.

think that we are especially prone
to do it as people with ADHD because

the universe has told us for so long,
you're lazy, you're unmotivated.

Like all of these things that now that
we are evolved beings who know that

it's not that we're lazy or unmotivated,
brain is literally working differently.

I don't like the overuse of
literally, but we have to use it.

There it is.

We are spicy Okay.

So I wanna focus more on the
things that we get done in instead

of the things that we don't in

Matt: yes,

Alison: same spirit.

And I love that we just came out
of the gate swinging this year.

like, you know what?

It's time we are, we are ready for
our Nerd Herd or our Revenge of

Nerds, the Nerd Alert or all of these
different, we're workshopping it

Matt: We're working, we're working on it.

Alison: Okay.

Whatever we're gonna be called
collectively, we just did it.

And we've stopped worrying about
if it was ready or if it was good

enough or if it was organized.

And in fact, I think that's been part
of the delight of the first week of it

has been giving the community some, some
stakes in it, some level of ownership.

Truly, what kind of topics do you like?

What do you wanna see here?

What's, what's your definition of a
thriving really tremendously fun community

and they're giving it to us, man.

I love it so much.

So thank you guys for being a part of it

Matt: and, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna say
thank you, Alison, because I think that

a big part of this, this new confidence
and this new, we just gotta do it for me,

in last year, this podcast was by far
one of the best things of 2022 for me.

And, and so yeah, that's, this
podcast kind of is, gave me the

confidence to say, okay, let's go.

So, yay.

Good job.

I'm shaking your hand.


Alison: The level up is
saying, no, this is what I

am, this

Matt: a little

Alison: I'm capable of.


Matt: Yeah.

Alison: In D&D, when you build a
character, you choose your race,

you choose your class, you choose
your subclass, you also choose a

background, and I think you were
mistaking your performer background

for your entire personality.

Matt: And that is exactly what I wrote
down right before we talked today, the

difference between background and class.

The passion.

Like how, what are my life things?

You know, my, my personal
life, my, my career life.

But that's, that's the difference.

One is my like training, and that's
having clients and, and learning about

code, and working together on that stuff.

that is my background.

But what, what is this that
we're doing right now that's more

Alison: Magic.

Matt: Magic?

Yeah, that's, that's the fun.

That's the leveling up.

That's the stuff that actually level up.

That's the class.

That's what you, that's the core, Right?

Alison: Mm-hmm.

Matt: Yes.


Alison: Well, I love all this.

I had no idea what was coming.

We turned those mics on and
we got there as per yoozsh.

Matt: As per yoozsh.

Ya level up!

I love it.

Alison: Good work us.

Matt: Good job.

Alison: Thanks for being on my podcast.

Matt: Thanks for being on my podcast.

An ADHd20 Primer
Broadcast by