All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 44 of 44 in total

The Flirt and the Fanatic

Build your own John Hughes Movie Gang and figure out which roles you play, in life and in-game!

The One Where Ross Gets Eaten By an Owlbear

Friends! We need them, love them, miss them when they leave, but also have a tough time making them. Matt has a tough time with Ross, because he's insufferable.

Accidental Expertise

A dip into Matt's current set of tools that might or might not help him get things done! Probably the first of many. And AK doesn't Eat the Frog!

The Potluck Episode

Alison and Matt bring "old" show topics to the party that they haven't gotten to in this potluck episode!

Matt and Alison are Sorry

A stranger on the internet unleashed a thread about friendship degradation mechanics, and we haven't been the same since.

Sweet Little Theater Nerd (with Alejandro Tey)

If you thought there was enough chaos with two, wait'll you hear from three D&D-and-all-things-RPG-obsessed theater nerds. Massive thanks to this episode's very specia...

Castle Birthday!

What do you get when you combine two ADHD-riddled friends with milestone birthdays, a castle in Knoxville, TN, and a metric ton of dice? Why, Castle Birthday Weekend, ...

Hyper Fixations and Fan Letters

Matt & Alison share recent hyper-fixations, and read a letter from a real-life listener!

It's Like 50,000 Points of Damage

WARNING: This Episode Contains Language that is Only Suitable for D&D Players. For the four of you clamoring for "more d20", please enjoy!

Triad Harder

Horror, hyperfocus, and hanging on to curiosity, on this week's ADHd20!

In Fact, We Thrived.

Gather 'round for the tale of two recovering extroverts with ADHD, weathering a global pandemic.

Strangers Things

Does the thought of a huge group of strangers fill your ADHD-riddled brain with terror? Yep! Worse than a pack o' gnolls.

Hipsters! and Dragons.

Is Matt a hipster? All signs point to "yes".

The Session Zero

A new podcast begins as a new campaign should: with a Session Zero. Where Alison and Matt wonder whether a podcast about both ADHD and D&D would even work. Spoiler: we...

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