Dungeons and Dopamining

What the *&@%#! is Dopamining? Hopefully you're doing it right now by downloading this 'cast, and awwww, that's so sweet! Also: does your PC have ADHD? And/or co-morbid RSD?

We are braving our crippling Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria by getting real honest today about what we specifically do to spike our Dopamine levels, and take a good hard look at whether we build Player Characters that inherit our ADHD. SA: we most definitely do.

Our Adorable Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bivinsbrothers

Our Boisterous Discord Serv'r: https://bit.ly/bivbrosdiscord

…and if you think of it, could you tell Apple/Spotify/Playstation Podcasts (?) that you are liking what we're doing? It actually helps to put our incessant giggling into more ears. 

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Dungeons and Dopamining
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